Thursday, January 31, 2019
Why We Should Stick To Qwerty :: essays research papers
wherefore We Should Stick To QwertyComputer Science 10The Qwerty keyboard - named Qwerty because the earn q, w, e, r, t, y ararranged next to each former(a) - has been the universal standard since the start-off of the 1890s. Since then, there have been many proposals by otherkeyboard makers to market products that would change users to geek faster.Other proposals put the most frequently used letters - dhiatensor - in themiddle row.i Although these keyboards enable users to type far faster than theqwerty keyboard, they atomic number 18 r bely sold. There argon several reasons for this.First, there is no hire for the regular users to type any faster than at thecurrent speed. Second, for the muckle whose job require fast typing, the newkeyboards can lead to large health lines that mystify from continuous typing.Third, and most importantly, standardization has led the qwerty keyboards to securely hold the position as the keyboard.There ar major differences amid the two type s of keyboard users the regularusers and the other typists. The regular users are people who uses the keyboardfor news processing, e-mailing, and internet there is not much of a need forthem to type extremely fast. They do not type mechanically but kind of based ontheir thought, and thinking takes time. In other words, faster keyboards areirrelevant for them because they are not continuously typing. They need tothink what they are going to write, one sentence one after another.On the other hand, the typists whose job is simply to type, do so continuously.They also happen to be the major victims of repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) whichis in large realm caused by continuously stroking the keyboards. In an articleabout RSI, puff up explains the changes that the companies are undergoing to becomemore productive Many piss practices are changing with automation to increaseproductivity. These include fewer staff, heavier workloads, more confinementspecialization, faster pacing of work, fewer rest breaks, more overtime, more demerit work and nonstandard hours, and more piece work and bonus systems. Thesework practices can entail very prolonged rapid or strong-arm repetitive motionsleading to fatigue and overuse of muscles.iiBecause RSI is a major problem to the typists, it would be a suicidal move forthem to adopt faster typable keyboards. much of them go away develop RSI. As forthe companies that hire these typists, not only will the frequency of RSIdevelopment increase, the amount of money that the companies have to compensateto the employees who develop RSI will also increase.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Book of Eli Social Commentary Essay
The film The give-and-take of Eli enjoin by the Hughes brothers is a cinematic display of dystopian genius. Many dystopian films critique g overnment involvement, privacy issues, and ethical concerns. However in The maintain of Eli, the Hughes brothers take a jump to a different part of in advance(p) golf club religion. Numerous religions argon practiced in society as they argon fostered under the first amendment. The written word dealister be interpreted many different ways whether it is for good or evil and this film does a great job outlining the interpretations. The Book of Eli is a dystopian symbol for how organized religion is ab utilize in ripe society. Religion as a whole is seen throughout the film. Eli, the main character, retrieves that his conclusion on Earth is to bring the Bible out West and to protect it. He is a religious man, regularly reading and praying from the book. He is dear and prescribes the books protection before other ethical issues.In the fil m, Eli encounters a woman being gang-raped. He proceeds to say follow the path, follow the path. He continues moving because his totally mission is to get the Bible to the West. Eli believes that God puke him on Earth to carry the book to the West, so he allowing do anything to get it there. The beginning of the film outlines Eli as having the inclination of defend the book, yet he doesnt quite understand the centre of benevolence found within the words. In this same way, we see religious zealots who believe in their religion so strongly that they sometimes ignore those that deem less than them. Eli couldve helped the woman being raped but instead move with his journey, not straying in the least. These days, the great unwashed go to church building to witness p fall outers talk of compassion and loving forgiveness but once mount is over, sure enough there is always a fight in the parking lot when e genuinelyone is trying to leave in a hurry.For many, these scriptures go in one ear and out the other and only current passages ar held on to because they deal with the problems faced only at that very moment. Carnegies mission is one of the most important parts of the film. He is in a long search for the Bible and is one of the only pile who croupe still read. He yearns to rebuild civilization and require a dictator to many towns. He believes that the Bible holds advocate. With the book, Carnegie believes that he will be commensurate to gain followers as long as he uses the written word. Carnegie and his men only see the Bible as a means of control, and do not see the true import of the written word compassion, devotion, and freedom. This likewise mirrors the current moorage with the Vatican. The Pope claims that condoms will worsen the African AIDS crisis.He believes The traditional teaching of the church has proven to be the only failsafe way to prevent the spread of human immunodeficiency virus/Aids. The Pope is trying to use his religion t o keep power over the African people. 67% of people with HIV live in Africa, so by him preaching to not use condoms, he will reach a significant amount of people. In a dire situation like this, the Pope will use his religion to convey his message of God. Religions like this one could be utilise to build morality in people by taking stories and finding the values in them. However, they can also be used to attack certain individuals and be used as a means of control. Eli and Carnegie resemble both sides and warn of the evils that can come from an otherwise useful tool to teach from. Sunglasses also play a powerful role in the film as Eli wears them mysteriously throughout.The audience does not know why this is until the end of the exposure when it is revealed that Eli is at least partially blind, if not completely. Looking back at the film, hints argon dropped to suggest that Eli lacks vision. A significant line he says is I walk by faith not by sight. This can be interpreted in man y ways. Eli walks with the Bible, his faith, to the west coast. He feels God put him on Earth to bring the bible to the west to preserve it along with other important books of faith that will later be used to recreate civilization. While walking, he is guided by Gods message instead of what he is able to see in figurehead of him. Only two people in the film are able to read the book Eli and Solaras mother.Those who cant see are the only ones who can truly read from the book. They are the most stark(a) in the sense that they cannot see the corrupt society around them, so all they have to guide them through life is their faith. In todays society people are surrounded by the unnatural behaviors of sexual activity, drug usage, and violence as entertainment. In order to cover grounded to their own morality, people rely on their faith to guide them. These people are blind to the ills of society because they are confident in their values. The Book of Eli does a phenomenal job of descr ibing abuses of religion in modern society, however, the image it much bigger than that.In a perfect world, there are perfect people and no problems. In todays society people do whatever they want with their money, time, religion, etc. There are no ground roots to fall back on. The people are the ones creating chaos its not any one specific event. However, people place the blame on anything they can think of money, time, religion, etc. virtually people use this blame to gain control, and then it becomes a power struggle. This film was meant for the audience to think beyond the religious undertone, and substantiveize the real issue themselves.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Miss Saigon Essay
Miss Saigon is a tragic story of go to bed that is set in 1970s Saigon during the Vietnam War. It is based on Giacomo Puccinis opera house Madame Butterfly. The story begins in a shady Vietnamese club called never-never land. The audience is introduced to Kim who is on her first day as a bargirl. Upon entryway the stage, she is greeted by the head who owns the club. In the back end, the audience can see the opposite bargirls getting ready for that iniquity and laughing at Kims inexperience. It goes back to the front to show U.S. Marines evanesceing metre with most prostitutes. The audience is and so introduced to Chris Scott and his friend derriere Thomas who tries very hard to persuade Chris to spend some quality time with one of the girls. In this bar, there is a Miss Saigon title that all of the bar girls vie for, and the winner is disposed to a soldier for the night. This is the chance for the bar girls to make an the Statesn go in complete with them and take them a way from Saigon. It is during this contest that Chris first sees Kim.He perceives innocence in her that all of the other girls dont have. Although a different girl is crowned Miss Saigon, seat sees that his friend desire Kim, and so he buys a room from the engineer for Chris and Kim. After some reluctance, they both enter the room. After spending a night together, Chris realizes that he has fallen in love with Kim. It is appargonnt that she has fallen in love with him too because when he tries to give her money, she refuses it. They both promise their love to from each one other and Chris tells her that he pull up stakes take c be of her. Chris takes some time off to spend with Kim. They get married, just instantly during the wedding Thuy who is Kims cousin-german comes in and is very angry because he was engaged since they were thirteen. She lets him know that she does non have any feelings for him and that their arranged marriage no longer exists because her parents are dea d. Chris then promises Kim to take her with him when he chokes to return to America. Three years afterwards there is a street parade in Ho chi Ming City which used to be Saigon. Thuy tells his soldiers to discovery Kim. She has been hiding in a poor area waiting for Chris to come back.The audience then sees Chris in America with his new wife Ellen. Both Ellen and Kim are very much(prenominal) in love with Chris. Thuy has ordered the target to find Kim, and he brings her to him. He proposes to marry her again, but she refuses. She shows tam-o-shanter, Chriss son to him, and Thuy becomes very angry. He is most to kill Tam with a knife but Kim kills him and runs away with Tum. She runs to the Engineer and tells him what she did, he is very unhelpful until he realizes that Tum is Chriss son. The Engineers main mission during the whole play is to get a passport to the United States. He sees Tum as his perfect chance. Thus, he agrees to help Kim and the boy. In the second part of M iss Saigon, the audience is reintroduced to john who is now working with an organization that reconnects children made during the war to their American fathers. John informs Chris that Kim is still alive and this relieves him. John also lets Chris know that he has a little boy and that he should go to Bangkok with Ellen.Because of this, Chris tells Ellen about Tam and Kim. Once again, the Engineer has a shady club in which Kim dances. This is where John finds her and tells her that Chris is back. He attempts to tell her that Chris is married, but Kim is too knowing to listen to him and tells her olive-sized boy that his father is back. She truly believes that Chris go forth take them back to America with him. John cant bear to tell her the truth and kind of swears to bring Chris back. The Engineer doubts Chris will come and tells Kim to go find him herself. Thuys ghost appears to Kim and he tells her that Chris will betray her as she was betrayed on the night of the fall of Sai gon. With this, Kim has a flashback to what actually happened travel night. Chris was called to the embassy, and after telling her to mob and leaving his gun with her, he leaves. After entering the embassy the gates are closed and there is a call from Washington for the instant excrement of the Americans that remained.No more Vietnamese are allowed into the gates. Chris tries very hard to leave the embassy to look for Kim, but John ultimately punches him and he is put into the last helicopter leaving. Kim promises to wait for him. After the flashback, the audience sees Kim excitedly dressed in her wedding clothes and she goes to where Chris is staying. She finds Ellen and thinks it is Johns wife, but Ellen tells her she is Chriss wife. Kim, however, does not believe her. She pleads with Ellen to take her boy so that he wont grow up in the streets. Ellen does not agree, and tells her that they will help him, but that she wants her own children with Chris. Devastated, Kim runs out o f the room. Afterwards, John and Chris arrive to find Ellen and she tells them that Kim has visited and knows everything. Chris and John feel terrible that they werent able to break it less(prenominal) painfully to her.Ellen makes Chris choose her or Kim, and he reassures her that what they have was much stronger than what he had with Kim. He decides to support his son and estranged wife by send them money from America, but not actually taking them with him. John cautions that Kim will not let them leave without Tam. They leave to tell Kim what they have decided. okay in her room, the audience sees Kim speaking to Tam. She tells him he has a father now and should be really happy. In her room, Kim tells Tam that he should be happy because he now has a father. She tells him that she cannot go with him but will be watching over him (The Sacred Bird/Little God Of My midpoint/This Is The Hour (reprise)).Chris, Ellen, John, and the Engineer arrive just outside her room. The Engineer com es in to take Tam outside to introduce Tam to his father. While this is happening, Kim move behind a curtain and shoots herself. As she falls to the floor, everyone rushes into the room at the sound of the gunshot and find Kim mortally wounded. Chris selects Kim in his arms and asks what she has do and why she did this, as she explains that the gods have guided him to his son. Chris begs her not to die, as she asks him to hold her one last time. After sharing one utmost kiss, Kim says her final words to Chris, echoing what he said to her from the song Sun and synodic month (How in one night have we come so far-off?) and she dies in his arms (Finale).
Problem Formulation and Identification Process Essay
It doesnt matter which side of the fence you get off on neartimes. What matters more or less is getting off. You lav non make progress without do closes (Jim Rohn). In the corporate world, leadership ar faced with closes that preserve make or break the organizations they represent. some(a)(prenominal) methods, consensus, brainstorm, systematic, and democratic be commitd in the decision do act. This piece will investigate the decision- qualification appendagees about prevalent in all(prenominal) ag assort members organization, compare and contrast them, and will show the most favorable aspect of each style.ConsensusThe name of my company is Envicor. Envicor is a plastics mold company that manufactures anything that can be make of plastic. This author was recently engage as the national sales manager to oversee Envicors newest convergence line, sporting goods equipment. This authors job is to promote the sale of man-portable pitching mounds to a broad range of cu stomers. When it fill outs to decision do, Envicor uses the consensus method.Consensus is a surgical operation victimisation group decision reservation. The in countersink and ideas of all participants are ga in that locationd and synthesized to arrive at a final decision acceptable to all. through and through consensus, the company is not only turn overing(a) to achieve better solutions, scarcely also to promote the growth of community and trust.Consensus takes more time, as umpteen an(prenominal) resources are investigated before a decision is made. Team members suffer committed to the decision through consensus. The consensus method gives everyone experience with new attendes of interaction and mesh resolution. For consensus to be a positive experience, the group should have 1) common values, 2) some skill in group process and conflict resolution, or a commitment to let these be facilitated,3) commitment and responsibility to the group by its members, and 4) suffic ient time for everyone to participate in the process (C.D.T. 2009).The goal of Envicor is to cover our product line to as many customers as possible. After fashioning contact with a catalog company, a meeting is called in night club to discuss the pros and cons of including our product in the catalog. In the meetings, each person gets a chance to give his or her opinion. Once everyone has spoken, a decision is made. By using the consensus method, the group is able to come together and make a decision based on each persons opinion.Advantages and dis utilitys constitute when using the consensus method of decision making.. Some ex adenosine monophosphateles areStrengthsEncourages cooperation instead of contestGarners trust and confidence everyone is involved in the final decisionEveryone agrees to the final decision no matter whether a mass, minority, or lone voiceWeaknesses omit of experience may lead to inefficient use of the method lack of control in meetings, conversation goes off topicNo ownership when decision is not correct or no consensus made (Notes on Consensus-Decision Making).Consensus seems to work well for smaller companies because it go forths them to actually talk out their decisions and come together. Bigger companies might struggle with this type of decision making process because there might be too many employees and it could waste a lot of time.BrainstormingIn the brainstorming model, all employees use palliate thinking to create ideas that will later be used as part of the projects process. Brainstorming is useful because it allows all employees, some with extensive experience, to give their input. All members contri barelyions allow them to own their role in spite of appearance the group and therefore, believe they have been a larger part of greater good.Like other decision making processes, brainstorming has advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that all decisions are reached by consensus of the entire group. The larg er the group is in a brainstorming session, the better the results will be. Everyone works from his or her strengths, weaknesses, experience, and discipline to find the best results for the project.Next, by making the decision a group project, everyone has a chance to participate in the decision making process. They are able to voice their objections and give alternative suggestions. This open forum allows ideas to melt freely, and sound decisions are made quickly.A disadvantage of brainstorming is akin(predicate) to one of its advantages. With more than two or three employees making a decision, the result can become a point of contention and a fight for power within the group. The more people involved in the process, the greater the propensity for debate, creating the possibility of a stalemate.Another disadvantage of brainstorming is something called group think. This occurs when one member of a group makes a statement, and the others act on along. Nothing is accomplished because only one person is making the decision with no alternate suggestions. An open dialogue does not exist therefore, solutions to problems are not properly explored.SystematicThe systematic glide path to decision-making is rational and analytical. ( pithy Handbook of homoagement) This approach employs existing data, and the goal of the decision is the focus of the steps taken to put the decision together. This authors organization uses the systematic approach for making most decisions. A strength of using the systematic approach is that teaching used to reach the final decision is based on genuine data. The goal has been intelligibly identified the objective(s) have been defined the impact of not addressing the issue has been established. A weakness of systematic decision making, an example of which will be expound in the following paragraphs, is that the decision can become stalled in the process. Additionally, regardless of how much research is done, if all principal sta keholders are not engaged in the process, a negative outcome is possible.several(prenominal) age ago this authors company developed a product that was designed to align with current imaging procedures. The equipment is a dual- boss injector for use in CT scan. The purpose of the dual-head is to provide Radiologists with the capability of using not only contrast media for the CT exams, that also saline. Benefits of having the saline choice developed as the clinical team became more familiar with the system, but initially the avail team was concerned about damage occurring to the injector head if a saline syringe was not used.At that time, without consulting other stakeholders, the service and engineering teams went to work on a solution that would prevent this issue.Several years later, as the clinical team was successfully promoting saline usage, the engineering division began shipping a cap for the saline side of the injector. Yes, the issue had been clearly identified, the objective for the project was defined, and the impact of not addressing the issue had been determined. However, because all stakeholders in the decision were not involved, and because the process took so long, the decision and resulting action became a very expensive mistake.DemocraticIn this participative form of the decision making process the superior(s) gives complete ownership of the decision to the subordinates (Sager 1999). The democratic decision making process allows for the employees (stakeholders) to have ownership of the decisions that are made. The majority balloting wins, which can lead to fast and effective decisions concerning the stakeholders. In this decision making process the adage regarding having strength in numbers reigns true.A drawback to the democratic process can be that no one person takes responsibility for the decision if something goes wrong. It may be unexpressed to pinpoint how the decision came to much(prenominal) a conclusion if it does not wor k out for the benefit for the stakeholders. In using the example of the Health Insurance Accountability and Portability Act (HIPPA) of 1996, a vote for change by a group of individuals affected by the counseling health records were handled was applauded, then when implemented, the act became more a hindrance than a solution to a problem.In the vast health systems used there was a need to implement a privacy feature to hold dear patients information, so the HIPPA regulations were signed into law in 1996. HIPPA was implemented by a democratic decision making process and became popular with health organizations such as Medicare and well known health insurance companies. Later HIPPAs biggest fans became its biggest objectors because the law made it impossible for anyone to get health information on the patient, including the parent(s) or guardians of minor children and the elderly, unless there was a form signed by the patient, the legal guardian, or POA. HIPPA soon became more fr ustrating than helpful, and the majority who voted for its carrying out became the majority opposing it. So in implementing the democratic decision making process for the good of the people to whom the power is given, it must be made known that with great power comes great responsibility (Uncle Ben, Spider Man Pt1).Contrast and ComparisonProblems and issues are generally inevitable when people are working together. Each individual decision making process can allow for better management of those situations for building a better organization. This does not opine there will be an absence of issues, but whether or not the team resolves the problem effectively. Each decision making process described above demonstrates to the reader the importance of adhering to a process that will work for each organization. The consensus method shows how the power of agreement can lead to a good decision. However, this method can be time consuming and teamwork plays a major role.Brainstorming will all ow for creativity and open ideas, but can also cause conflicts and debates among the group members due to so many independent ideas being presented. In the systematic approach to decision making organization is critical. This process bases decisions on factual information. The systematic process can be costly if all members are not involved in the final decision. Democratic decisions are made based on majority input. The stakeholders are in total control of the decision making process. brisk and effective decisions can be made however, problems can occur because not everyone who can vote will vote. Then if a decision has a negative impact on the group it can be hard to identify the owner of the problem.The authors of this paper have investigated four types of decision making, consensus, brainstorming, systematic, and democratic. Advantages and disadvantages of each type have been presented, and finally, all were compared and contrasted with each other.ReferencesConsensus Decision M aking. Aids alignment to Unleash Power. Retrieved May 19, 2009. http// on Consensus-Decision Making. Retrieved May 19, 2009., Jonathan T. 2009, Concise Handbook of Management A Practitioners ApproachChapter 17 managerial Decision Making and Problem Solving, p131- 138retrieved 5/19/09 from http//, C. R. (2006). Umikers Management Skills for the New Health Care Supervisor.Ch 25 pp.337-345.Sager, K.L., & Gastil, J.,(1999). Reaching consensus on consensus Communication Quarterly. 47(1), 67-79.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Shakira on Philantrophy
Maybe most of you k instantern Shakira as one of the gr wash up Latin Ameri piece of ass singer ever but most of you whitethorn not know her as an activist. BAREFOOT FOUNDATION In 1997 at the young age of 20, Shakira founded the Pies Descalzos ( shoeless) behind, after the great success of her tape Pies Descalzos, in order to help Colombian poor shaverren not all to get an appropriated education, but to be healthy and cater. She says that the children are the future of every(prenominal) country, especially in Latin America, so we should give them all the tools they motivation to succeed in liveness.On 2003 Shakira and the ex Chancellor and ex education attend Maria Emma Mejia started to pasture together and Maria assume the Executive chairperson of the Barefoot hind end. The Foundation moved from Barranquilla to Bogota and began working on a massive program of nutrition for children from disadvantaged areas and displaced communities in Colombia On 2004 the foundation be gan the construction of the first educational institution which provided attention to 1565 children too they opened offices on Quibdo. Now they give psychosocial help.On 2006 it was made the First Strategic architectural plan 2006 2008, whose main goal is the comprehensive care of children on vulnerable areas or displacement areas. They made the educational intervention strategy stronger which care nigh of 3,072 children and young muckle. Also it strengthens the comprehensive model of confederation development center, victorious care to 10,500 people around. Because this foundation not only care near children but care about their families since theyre the people that spend more period with them and so if theyre fine, the children would be too.That year, 52 000 people donated money, which raised $15 000. The uphold building of School District Las Americas is constructed in Barranquilla, with the support of European foundations. Om 2008 it elaborates the II Strategic Plan f or the triennium 2009 2011, whose mission is to implement a model of flavor public and private assistance support. So far the Barefoot Foundation has built 4 schools on 3 different cities of Colombia that are Barranquilla, Quibdo, and Altos de Cazuca.Their youthful challenge is to build schools in Cartagena excessively implement a learn which is concern about the people there and the environment. BARRANQUILLA * Educational Institute of the Americas The Barefoot Foundation began its work there in 2004 and through several programs now helps 680 children, young people, and their community * Educational Institution Barefoot Foundation- Township La Playa This earth School, was built and opened in 2009 and now helps 1469 children, youth and the community there. QuibdoEducational Institution Barefoot Maria Berchmans The Barefoot Foundation began its work in 2004 and through several projects now helps 1225 children, young people and people of the area. on that point they help displac ed families from the tragedy of Bojaya. Altos de Cazuca Gabriel Garcia Marquez Educational Institution Located in the commune of 4 de Altos de Cazuca in Soacha, where most of the victims of displacement and high levels of poverty are settled , from Boyaca, Santander, Cundinamarca, Tolima, Huila, the Pacific Coast and the Eastern Plains.The Barefoot Foundation supports this Public School since 2005 and through various educational projects now serves 1340 children and young people and 814 families in the sector THE LAST SCHOOL WAS BUILT THANKS TO CONTRIBUTIONS BY DONORS LIKE SHAKIRA, THROUGH PROCEEDS FROM HER 2006 BARRANQUILLA CONCERT, AND CONTRIBUTORS LIKE THE HOWARD BUFFET FOUNDATION, THE GERMAN telly NETWORK RTLTV, THE CITY OF MADRID, HARD ROCK CAFE AND SEAT. Pies Descalzos Programs If I eat well, I will learn morePies Descalzos Foundation believes that if children are hungry, not nourished or unhealthy they cant pay attention in class and they feel weak or lazy, so the foundatio n crap this program in order to reduce malnutrition and encourages a healthy life so the kids improve their learning If I learn more, I can be more Good spaces for children to be educated are essential since they feel comfortable, thats why Pies Descalzos has implement with great equipment on its schools so children are able to kick in the tools they need to realize a graphic symbol educationIf I smile more, I can achieve more great(p) experiences can give children terrible traumas. Through this program Pies Descalzos help children who have been victims of violence, not in effect(p) to overcome a trauma but also to help them adjusting to the school setting. So they use art, music and any large-hearted of assistance like psychological to support them and their families Family income Most of the children Pies Descalzos help have to work because they are alone and they need to survive or just because their parents havent enough money to maintain the family.Thats why this progra m is very important, since Pies Descalzos provides economic opportunities for the families, so the children dont work anymore and go to school. This program helps build projects that benefit children and their families. Sponsor a Child You can be a monthly sponsor of a kid, called a Godparent so you can help a Colombian child receive an education, uniforms, books, nutritious food, recreational activities and homework support while also letting him or her know that they matter. UNICEF After being working for 5 years on her barefoot foundation, Shakira was named goodwill ambassador for UNICEF
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Ethical Issues in Oroonoko: Slavery
For years, opus has illustrated his willingness to perform injustices to those weaker than he. From the bully in the schoolyard, to the king and his court, it seems that man has a desire to control and dominate others. Oroonoko, by Aphra Behn, illustrates that sla real is unethical, humiliating, demoralizing, and worsened than shoemakers last. Oroonoko is a powerful story near the tribulations of a gallant prince named Oroonoko. throughout the novel, he is sh induce to be a brave prince and a confederate to many. He is given command everyplace an army and shows his military and strategical artistic creation by winning his battles and conquering his enemies.In the beginning of the novel, the prince presents Imoinda, the daughter of his parent father, with a gift of slaves that had been captured in his victorious battles. For Oroonoko, bondage was accepted and constituent of his daily life. However, in the novel, Behn presents thralldom as a controversial and primeval issue towards the downfall of Oroonoko. Is it ethical to enslave another human and own them like a piece of property? What does the novel say about an issue much(prenominal) as slaveholding? The book, in fact, condemns this type of outrageous behavior.She illustrates this issue by showing that slavery is demoralizing and humiliating to the state who are involuntary subjected to this kind of torment. In the beginning of the story, Behn describes the native bulk of Surinam, a colony in the West Indies, as beautiful, respectable, and friendly. Behn says, for those we live with in perfect amity, without daring to command em but, on the contrary, caress em with all the brotherly and friendly affection in the world. The natives are very useful to immigrants who came from other areas of the world into Surinam.Behn thought of them as being cooperative because she could learn their culture and their everyday style of life. Behn finds it, Necessary to caress em as friends, and not to treat e m as slaves. Here, Behn says that treating the people of Surinam as slaves is improper and unlawful. She says that friends should not be enslaved because they are helpful and caring. Through this effect, Behn considers slavery as an unethical issue. In the novel, Behn displays slavery as an issue that is associated with disaster and torment. This occurs when the prince encounters the English captain who deceitfully places Oroonoko and others in captivity.Oroonoko is portrayed in a state of suffering when he is enslaved, We were no sooner arrived but we went up to the plantation to see Caesar whom we found in a very contemptible and unexpressable condition and I have a thousand times prise how he lived in so much tormenting pain protesting our innocency of the fact, and our abhorrence of such cruelties. While Oroonoko is at the plantation, his attitude is different from when he was the commander of the army. He is miserable, sad, and in a position with less power than he had b efore.In conjunction with the misery that is involved with slavery, the actions that coincide with a slave such as whippings are also condemned in the novel, No, I would not sweep away myself, even after a whipping, but will be nitty-gritty to live with that infamy, and be pointed at by every grinning slave. Behn depicts a slave as someone one who is mentally and physically humiliated. In general, public humiliation is and torment is an unethical issue and Behns portraying of misery, humility, and torment proves that slavery is immoral Oroonoko. In Oroonoko, Behn creates a mindset that favors death over slavery.One situation in the novel where slavery is condemned is when the king threatens to send Imoinda off to another country to be interchange as slaves. He ought to have had so much value and consideration for a maid of her quality as to have nobly put her to death, and not to have sold her like a common slave the superior revenge, and the most disgraceful of any, and to wh ich they a thousand times prefer death. She states that slavery is the perfect revenge against someone who has deceived another. The king orders, that they should be both sold off as slaves to another country, either Christian or heathen, twas no matter where.This cruel sentence, worse than death, they implored might be reversed. After ever repeating the idea of someone preferring death many times over slavery in the novel, Behn shows the reader that slavery is unethical. In conclusion, Behn shows that enslaving a friend is wrong, and that slavery brings about humiliation, torture, and grief. Behn uses the morbid effects of slavery to the extent when she categorizes slavery as being many times worse than death. Using these techniques, Behn gives an immoral connotation to slavery in Oroonoko.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Animal Farm: Comparison of the Animal Characters with Their Human Counterparts
Animal Farm Comparison of Animal Characters with piece characters Animal Farm by George Orwell is a semipolitical story concerning the thought of Leninist Marxism, written from an zoologys perspective. It is a story of dreams dreams of freedom and equivalence that atomic number 18 dashed into pieces by greed and avarice for power and comfort. Basic whollyy, Orwell has corporal his own political views in this book regarding Marxism and simultaneously he has spotlighted the major flaws in Marxist philosophy which he illustrates through know out of the closet the story.I graduation exercise want to emphasize that the events in Animal Farm are equal to the Russian transformation of 1917. The book illustrates the thinkingls of the gyration and how the masses were maltreated by corrupt leaders and the false promises of a Utopian socialistic society. This conclusion of equality was what the animals sought, and despite their sacrifices and hard hunt, their leaders betrayed the m. Animal Farm is fundamental solelyy a harsh criticism of deriveitarianism. Orwell is portraying the noble goals of Marxism which were corrupted by a dictators avarice for power.As he notes in his study, The book is not only a parody of Stalins Russia scarcely besides intends to show that Russia was not a line up democratic left country. (1) Despite the apparent criticism, Orwell shares the viewpoints of Marxism as far as worldwide transition was concerned. However, in the book, a utopian future seemed highly un exchangeablely from the start. The idea of Animalism was a theory created by previous(a) Major in his dream. Old Major was a highly respected and venerable boar. He military managed to assemble the farm animals where he told all of them his dream of a revolution.As Major said, our lives are miserable, laborious and short. We are born, we are given good so much food as go out keep the jot in our bodies and for those of us who are capable of it are forced to mak e water to the last atom of our strength and the very instant our usefulness has beget to an end, we are slaughtered with hideous brute(a)ty. (pg 7) This is particularly typical of what the Russian people approach during the Czarist days of Russia. The Bourgeoisie, or the rich, had full control oer the Proletariats, who were the suffering histrions.The workers were treated poorly and they lived in utter poverty and misery. They were exploited and ill-use by the rich and lived a harsh breeding where even basic sustenance was inconceivable to find. It was through their labor that the Czar and the rich existed. Karl Marx detect this problem and he wrote The Communist Manifesto, where he suggested that the workers of the world should unite and countermand the tyrannical capitalist countries. Marx wanted the labour class to start a revolution and change the social structure and distri exactlye the wealth among the masses. Old Major represented Karl Marx.They some(prenominal) w ere visionaries who called upon the tormented masses to rise up against their bourgeoisie masters, in Animal Farms case, Man. Yet, unfortunately both Marx and Major would never see their revolution commence. Old Major dies in tierce days after speaking to the animals and Marx died before the Russian Revolution began. There were only two capable leaders left on the farm who could start the revolution. Snowball was a young, intelligent and a animate pig with a brilliant talent for speaking. Whenever he spoke, he situated an incredible amount of emotion into his voice that pulled the animals toward him.Snowballs nonsubjective was to carry out the last wishes of Old Major and to arouse intent better for the animals. Snowball could be compared to Leon Trotsky who was a devout follower of Marxism and he wanted to improve the lives of the Russian people. Both Snowball and Trotsky were thrown out of power by their supposed comrades. Napoleon, a Berkshire boar, did not possess the scie nce and acumen of Snowball. However, Napoleon made up for this weak point by being ruthless, cruel, devious, and corrupt. His ambition was to confound full control and power over Animal farm. If anyone chip offped him, he would destroy the opponent.Napoleon used his dogs to intimidate the other animals and to kill any animal that opposed him. He in like manner used Squealer, a garrulous pig who could convince any animal with doubts about the greatness of Napoleon and that it was Napoleon who thought up the revolution. Basically, Squealor was a propaganda spokesman. Old Major, before his death, had spoken out a list of septette commandments that all animals had to follow. The commandments were concerned with animal-human relations. Squealor changed and manipulated the septenary commandments to suit Napoleon and the pigs.You may ca-ca noticed by now that the character names all have a symbolic meaning to them. The name Napolean refers to the legendary emperor of France. He was r uthless and he killed anyone who opposed him. Squealor, by his contemptuous actions, implied that he was a spy and he informed Napoleon about any operation against him. Napoleon could be compared to Josef Stalin, the madman of Russia. He was not as ameliorate or convincing as Trotsky. Yet Stalin was a brutal man who craved power. He killed millions of people and used the KGB (indoctrinated dogs) to punish dissenters.Napoleon also used Moses, the tame raven, to control the animals. Moses represented the Church where he continuously babbled about Sugar Land Mountain. This heavenly abode is where all animals go when they died and they forever lived in peace and tranquility with good food and much of rest. The animals believed in Moses because their lives were already full of misery. Surely there had to be a better place where the animals could go and be content. Moses was a tool for Napoleon. He said all this jargon in order to make the shopworn animals work hard and not complain and Moses was paid with bread buckram in beer.On the topic of religion, Marx considered it the, Opiate of the people. (2) Orwell however said that people will always turn to religion for answers and places where they could go for an easier existence. In addition, Orwell refused to approve of a society where leaders like Napoleon or Stalin distorted the true meaning of Socialism and instilled fear and tyranny over their own people. As Orwell said, To accept Orthodoxy, is always to inherit unresolved contradictions. (3) This makes sense because the animals had jumped out of the fry pan (Mr.Jones reign) and into the fire (Napoleons dictatorship). Either way you see the result, it is the same. The animals go on to suffer. What did Animalism accomplish? What were the goals, what were the dreams and what were the results? The basic idea was to share power and to stop the tyrant Mr. Jones (who represented the Czar). The goals of the newly established government was to declare all anima ls equal, that they would get much food, more sleep, respect, rules to protect animals from oppression, and technology-in the form of windmill to make life better for all.The animals owned the farm. Everything was to be equally shared. Humans were the competitor and no animals should deal with Man and no one could act like Man. As Major said, .. in fighting Man, we must not come to resemble him. Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices. (pg 12) The seven commandments were made for the protection of the animals and their rights. Leaders and workers will work together and precept is available to all. These were the hopes and dreams of all animals so that they may be free from the bonds of thraldom and live in happiness and equality.However, when Napoleon claimed power, the entire basis of the revolution crumbled into dust. The goals of the government were stripped to suit the Pigs. As the rule said, some animals are more equal than others. Rather than motivating an imals to work, they are forced to work otherwise they would not receive their ration of food. The Seven commandments were changed to Pig Laws. Pigs became more powerful and thus they controlled every aspect of the farm. What I note, and Orwell also notes, is that how could the proletariats avow the self-proclaimed leaders and their intentions?As Orwell wrote, The main weakness of Marxism is the failure of human motives(4) and It is unacceptable to have an intuitive understanding of mens motives and therefore impossible to predict their actions. (5) Its difficult to fathom why the animals didnt deal the pigs treachery and why they didnt rebel. Maybe the knockabout dogs were too intimidating or maybe the animals were just content with their nationalist pride of their farm. An example of their pride can be seen when the animals march outgoing their flag and the disinterred skull of Old Major.They have a feeling of joy and rejoicing because their farm is run by the animals and no t humans. However as Orwell writes, the proletariat is too easily swayed by its leaders as well as its guiding ideologies. (6) For example in Animal Farm, the animals fail to realize that all their rights and the seven commandments are being stripped and changed before their very eyes. The cognition that all the animals are illiterate is very useful to Napoleon and he freely changes all the laws according to his tastes without worry.Yet the animals should have said something when the Beasts of England, the new song taught by Old Major, is changed to Animal Farm. Take meat packer the sawhorse for example. He was a devout follower of Napoleon and he gave his life for his brethren. He sacrificed himself day and night in the construction of the windmill so that the dreams of heat and electricity would come true and that all the animals could reap the benefits. Boxer always said, Napoleon is always right. It is all Boxer can do whenever he had doubts. Had Boxer materialized his doub ts into action, Napoleon would never have succeeded in gaining total power.Thats why I believe Boxer is attacked by the three dogs after he develops doubts about Snowball being a traitor. luckily he is strong enough to stop the dogs. Boxer represented a communist or Animalist supporter. He was a dedicated and hard worker but the crafty Squealer and Napoleon used him where Boxer was ultimately betrayed by the leaders he so willingly followed and helped. Orwell understood the implication of Marxism and shared many of its beliefs but Animalism was not an extreme political goal. The basic concept was equality, sharing, and working together for the betterment of all.Yet the governing body was so badly twisted by the leaders that the animals were in limbo. The animals became ladened slaves to the pigs who became no different than the human masters. They were even crueler to the animals than Jones and the Revolution became a cruel joke. What changes had occurred? Absolutely nothing exc ept that instead of humans ruling over animals, animals came to rule over animals. The final line in the book summarizes it all, The creatures external looked from pig to man and man to pig, and from pig to man again but already it was impossible to say which was which. (pg 155)
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
“Macbeth†by William Shakespeare Essay
The plays of William Shakespeare decidedly sustain their ability of staying pertinent in todays ultramodern-day human being. This can be seen in the play Macbeth by Shakespeare and the modern reading of the play, Macbeth Retold, directed by Mark Brozel. The main issues of the texts include the inversion of the sex roles and how power and greed can take its wretched toll on peoples lives. Women shut up carry the expectations of being reliant on their husbands and there are certain power-hungry individuals that will do whatever it takes to come crosswise the authorise of the leader board. These two texts contain various literary techniques such as imaging and sarcasm to support the field of studys mentioned. Shakespeares play, Macbeth, has a intimately interesting viewpoint on the grammatical gender roles as the women behave more masculine whilst the men are embodied in an inferior opusner. The content is represented by bird Macbeth who is quite a manipulative compon ent. Lady Macbeth demonstrates the inversion of gender roles when she tells Macbeth to act more manly and asks the spirits to fasten her so she can be a man since she feels the need to cook up for Macbeths lack of masculinity.She is also seen to be quite a unpeaceful person with cruel intentions which is illustrated in the line, I have given put one over and know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me- I would, while it was rapturous in my face, have pluckd my nipple from his boneless gums and boltd the brains out had I sworn as you have do to this (Act 1, thought 7, Line 3). The literary technique intentd here is imagery as a full detailed idea is given of fitting how much aggression Lady Macbeth possesses to the point where she would brutally murder an bare baby. The gender roles are reversed once again in the film, Macbeth Retold, rivet particularly on Lady Macbeths modern version Ella Macbeth. This is relevant to our time because it is reflecting the authority that women now have. Interestingly though, the play was written in the 17th century where women were expected to be silent and obedient to their husbands so maybe it could be considered that Shakespeare paved the way to the liberation of women.In the modern version Ella best demonstrates the theme when she pressures Joe Macbeth, modern version of Macbeth, into killing Duncan who takes the creed for Joes hard work as a chef in the restaurant. The show that this character illustrates this theme can be seen when she says He milks you for everything youve gotno keep down of money covers what you do for himYoure too full of the milk of piece kindness Joe. Thank you, Duncan, for the slap on the back, Im so very, very gratefulIt is shaming to hear the truth Joe? What kind of man is it who doesnt feel humiliated in the position youre in. what kind of man is that? The technique that Ella uses is sarcasm, which is shown when she insults Joes manliness and she asks him rhetorical ques tions that she already knows the answer to so she is mocking his intelligence.The theme of the destructiveness of power and greed is ever-present byout the play, Macbeth. The character Macbeth craves success so much that it exits to the point where he is lead into a paranoid madness. The prophecies made by the witches are what sparked his ambitions for power. Macbeth doesnt favour committing savage deeds as much as his wife Lady Macbeth nevertheless his burning desire for power and progression blinds his better judgement and he kills Duncan. After he has killed Duncan he displays imagery when describing his intentions, For mine own untroubled all causes shall give away, I am in blood steppd in so far that, should I wade no more, return were as tedious as go oer (Act 3, Scene 4, Line24). In this line Macbeth is making a comparison with his executions to that of wadding through a bloody river which also displays irony as his wicked action is murder which is associated with bloo d. He suggests that its impossible to stop once a man commits murder for their advantage.It is visible that Macbeth is becoming addicted to killing as it gives him a sort of boastful high but this is short lived as his guilt sends him crazy and inevitably gets him killed as well. The same happens to Joe Macbeth in Macbeth Retold. The theme of power and greed is expressed in Macbeth Retold which is the retelling of the original Shakespeare play, Macbeth, but it is still seen everywhere from the media to the school ground as everyone wants to be at the top of the food chain. This is still relevant in todays world through the businessmen and women who sabotage their ways towards a higher career position. The character that best demonstrates this theme is Joe Macbeth when he murders Duncan, and then Billy who he sees as a new threat, he does whatever it takes to reach his endeavor but ends up becoming engulfed in paranoia to the extent where he mistreats those who reckon him.After a heated discussion Ella says to Joe Men dont run over by buses which he then replies with, No. In the movie the technique used is the silence as the camera pans across their faces. This shows the suspense and tension present in the scene as theyd just decided to go ahead with the plan to kill Duncan and get the restaurant. To conclude, William Shakespeares play Macbeth has endured the test of time and proven itself to still be relevant in our current day through the discussion of the themes of gender roles and power and greed. Both of these themes appear in the original version of the play, Macbeth, and a modern version, Macbeth Retold. The themes were presented in many ways in the texts through the use of literary techniques. In the original play, imagery and irony were used and in the modern film, sarcasm and suspense were used.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Just Like Us Essay
The immigration problem in America has been dividing the document and undocumented spate, in the book Just same(p) Us, by Helen Thorpe, she tells the fiction of four Mexi campaign out Ameri send packing girls who live in Denver Colorado. Marisela and Yadira, were born(p) in Mexico and are undocumented magical spell Clara was born in Mexico too it is a permanent resident, and Elissa is a U.S citizen. They are take up fri contain and their relationship it is non affected by their immigration precondition until they graduated from high school and they go to face the challenge of flavor for vernal ways to pay for their college rearing. unregistered adolescents graduating from high school foundert curb m both opportunities to master eruditions and to go to college. Most of them arrest up working with a shammer affectionate hostage poster with a minimum wage. In the congress exist some oppressors of undocumented people like Tom Tancredo, who are the kind of people w hose heritage comes from an other(a) rural, only if who do skilful forgotten w present they came from, and become idea people who think that e precise(prenominal) undocumented person is a killer, a negative person for the American society. On the other hand, we project major(ip) John Hickenlooper, who was trying to help undocumented immigrants giving them some opportunities to watch growing. The girls point of view slightly world and each(prenominal) other comes to play when they are trying to obtain a scholarship. Because of fighting to obtain a scholarship, the girls relationship salmagundis. At the end they graduated and achieved their degree. Clara becomes a U.S. citizen. Marisela and Yadira were subject to apply for the DREAM Act, so they legitimate. Elissa was unemployed, and Marisela would be a mom As the girls become of aware of their legal posture in-migration Policy, have affected not only the girls relationship with each other. But for all other illegal wa s well. Because of our Immigration policy, many Immigrants have more problems in achieve their dreams. so, we must change our Immigration policy so that it will not make it tight for teenage immigrants from jumpting a good education, changing our perception of issue illegal immigrants and how young undocumented view themselves. Undocumented students as Marisela and Yadira seek to be seen for who they in truth are and not to be serious do by like criminals they just need to be offendn opportunities to show what they can do for this country, like Clara and Elissa. One area that Thorpe presents to us is that not everyone gets to have a college education and is able to afford it, whereas every American citizen is able to go their college because they have a Social Security card and can afford it. Undocumented students like Marisela and Yadira wearyt have a Social Security card and they have give up on their dreams of going to college. The process of the undocumented students going to college is that they have to apply for scholarship as international students, so they require more funds than a citizen or resident. Yadira got into Colorado College. They accepted me, only when they didnt offer me any money. So it s like, if you have $37,000 lying around, you can come here (Thorpe 60).This was a big reason for Yadira to forget definitively this scholarship, merely she didnt give up. She struggle and she is close to getting one before Marisela, because Each year, close fifty thousand undocumented immigrants graduate from high school in the United States. (Thorpe 60) And to be honest it is a shame that from this enormous be just a few can get into a college, every immigrant graduate from high school should be able to reach higher(prenominal) education, because everybody en in the world has this right and the people in photograph of undocumented students is Senate Committee, they should help these adolescents. As an example of how difficult it is for un documented students to get on education is the story about Marisela and Yadira. They had completed applications to University of Denver, and had gone to the campus for hastily arranged interviews. It was really tough for them, because they were both fighting for one scholarship. Yadira won it, because she pursued her dream and than her best friend Marisela. To know that she got the scholarship Yadira called the University while Marisela watched her friends face as she spoke to the woman. Yadira looked back to Marisela the tout ensemble time, and she asked You got it, huh? Yadira hung up the phone. Yeah, Yadira replied, she was crying (Thorpe 80). Marisela has to deal with this pain at bottom on her, because she was quick that her best friend got this triumph, but this regard ass that she will not get this scholarship. As we can tell the process of obtaining a good education is really hard for undocumented people, it makes it thus far harder to compete against someone you know. embarrassing moments like this makes it difficult for undocumented adolescents has to deal with in obtain a good education. Another topic that Thorpe presents is the difficulty of changing peoples points of view. In fact, when congress is debating why immigrants come to America illegally, should they receive citizenship? Luke is a really close friend of the girls at Denver University. In the story represents people who are buttoned-down view and very narrow mind. In particular instance, Luke express that opinion when he said I dont agree with giving them all citizenshipwhy make upherto have immigration law if you just let everybody in (Thorpe 250) This is the reason why Marisela manifest not to be so close to him anymore. He is a great person, but his ignorance takes Marisela away from him. Luke didnt care about their ethnicity, nevertheless he didnt know where are they from, and with his comments were hurting Marisela and Yadira feelings, this is the reason why they never were really honest with him, and hide most of their lives. Most conservative talks about undocumented immigrants come to affect the American economy, avoiding taxes, withdraw loaders, public schools, and food stamps. And also Conservatives thinks that most of the illegal are criminals.The recurrence of welfare is one point where we see the conservative viewpoint They go to San Francisco General and they get free health care that we pay for. (Thorpe 250). Undocumented people just to come to the United States looking for a bust life, more opportunities, to give their families more a fracture future. We didnt know, but in their country they are poor, and they do not have fair to middling food so just deal with it day by day. We cannot even talk about healthy issues because they cannot expend money on it, because their kids or themselves will not be able eat that day. These are a couple of reasons why they just to take a risk and glide path to fulfill the American Dream. Saying that u ndocumented people who indispensability be like an American citizen by paying some form of taxes, and really are hard workers doing those kind of jobs than Americans doesnt command to do. Juan Apocada is a young undocumented boy who was on the news for speak out about his struggle about obtaining a scholarship, a benefactor who really knows his legal placement didnt care about it, just help him providing the money for his studies. Suddenly congressman Tancredo, called the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to see if his tiddlers family are illegal. Is it just me or does anyone else fin more stupefying that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washingtonbut they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wondering around our country (Thorpe 49) He believes that American culture had strayed from the rule of the law. This congressman forgot where is he from. Even his family was almo st expected, but he didnt care about undocumented, and became one of the most stronger opposites people on the undocumented immigrant topic. He instead on thinking how to deport them, should start thinking how to solve their problems, because his family heritage if from outside this country, and his family was one of them. account people didnt have knowledge about undocumented immigrants, and they just based their opinion about what they hear and see on the television, radio, or gossip. As a result of them we have that people got a impose on _or_ oppress idea of them, and people disrespect them, and didnt give them the same get cossetwise as document people, they must receive same respect and value that legal people have, because a legal paper dont give us more respect, its just a status inside a country. Something that makes us better its our development inside a society and giving the best of us to our world. Thorpe also comes across show the self-realization for the immigran ts who have thought they are some things right, ends up being wrong in the United States.This is because undocumented people want to be identify, they need to have some identifications as any other document person, so they find their own way to do it. As some of the girls are undocumented, they are actually dont have how to get a job or get a driver certify, and they need to identify their selves with people, so they just have one radical to falsify ID, social security cards, driver licenses, etc. When Marisela believe that even though she had fake driver license, she thought she would not get caught, It hit me when I wanted to a driver license and I couldnt. So I started driving with a Mexican drivers licensea fake. And that when I realize how I was going to grow updoing everything the wrong way (Thorpe 25). She has to get a fake drivers license, because first at all she was an undocumented person, and second would be more safety for her go to school in her own car than in the b us. Yadira also took this decision, she is very conscious about doing things in proper order, and because she needs to get a job decided to get a fake Social Security card. At the end she shows it to her friends. Oh guess what? She volunteered. I just bought a fake Social Security card. Do you want to see it?(Thorpe 161) Certain situations force her or anyone to do the wrong thing. Yadira situation is that her mom Alma was in Mexico with her new baby sister and she couldnt work, and her stepfather works in America but his pay does not take the cost of living in America. Therefore her family needs her to get a job. And the only way to get a job in America is providing a Social Security humour to each place that you are going to apply. As far as we know, her family is not resident therefore she had to obtain a fake Social Security ID. People might think that getting these fake documents could mean that these girls would be worried about getting caught. But its not that way they feel a little more secure when they have this kind of documents, because these documents give them some identity that they are missing since they cross the Mexican American border. These children and adolescents are not guilty for their parents decision of crossing the border illegally. They coming to the U.S. for a better future, this country give them a better live, a future were they would be live and can be someone, because some of their parents come just barely speaking their own language, sometimes they dont even know how to write, so when they arrived to America its that they work in jobs than Americans dont want to do, they work really hard. Therefore parents expected from their children a better live, better education, having at least two languages, knowing something else that clean bathrooms, and cook, they want a better future that they cant afford or just even think of it in their own country. So the U.S. government should cover these obstacles that these children and adol escents have to give them a more chances in live.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Corporate Culture: Help or Hindrance Essay
The further thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and principal(prenominal)tain agri coating. If you do non manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be aw are of the extent to which this is happening. Edgar Schein, professor MIT Sloan School of ManagementNowadays, in the hold back of 2011, we can make a clear overview of the remarkable events that took place not a long time ago. And though some people world power argue that the hardest economic crisis since 1929 still hasnt finished, and is going to be continued, we are able to make certain conclusions and ask a couple of electrifying questions wherefore, when all other companies experienced dramatic collapse, some of them even managed not to reduce, precisely to increase their sales and market share? Or Why a company that has been operating for 200 years already is pushed give away of its market by some barely known impregnable? What makes these events achievable? Magic? Well, you definitely w ill not believe it if you are quondam(a) than 8 years old. Some highest creatures? Well, it is rather unlikely too. Santa Claus? Who knows, maybe just science believes that there are more than realistic reasons for such events that in general are called invisible strategic assets. One of such assets, suppositious by most of the scientists as the most important one, is called corporate or organization culture 1.To begin with, let us formulate, what is corporate or organization culture. By Edgar H. Schein organizational culture is defined as A pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and ingrained integration that lease worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems 2. As we can see, concept of corporate culture is of vast importance for adaptation and gene ral comfort of employees. just now in straight off tough economic conditions, this is definitely not the highest priority for an organization. Much more important is whether corporate culture can be a support for a company, and whether it can save money or make firm more profitable.To answer this complicated question that was a theme for creating of scores of scientific books and hundreds of pages and years of research we will start with some facts from the tarradiddle of development of this concept. Due to Naomi Stanford, the concept of organization dates its popular roots from 1980s. past in 1982 two first books on importance of organization culture were published, and despite the fact, that they were strongly criticised, they attracted attention of business and became setters of new management trends. But at that moment of time these concepts were understood in not quite proper way, managers were trying to implement some cultural principles and waited for some harming of miracle. And though it hasnt happened, scientists have developed the theory body and researched main aspects 3.As we see, corporate culture has been existing for 25 years already, but does it in reality work? To my personal opinion yes, it does. It is intangible, you can hardly mensuration it or state whether it exists or not. You can not definitely regularise that these sales increased or our company has succeeded in this project because we have such great organization culture. But all that events actually took place because of it. Because if not, how you can explain what has differentiated extraordinary successful firm that produce relatively same products from the others? For example, quite small studio Pixar that has confronted Disney grocery has produced 11 hits cartoons out of 11 attempts.Every film of it was nominated for an honorary society Award and Pixar has won the awards about three quarters of the time 5. What these facts advertise us about if not a specific, uniq ue organization culture, that is utilise in this organization. Unfortunately, corporate culture is a phenomenon that is very hard to generate and moreover, to control if any aspects of the companys functioning are to be changed, what creates a wrong impression about its necessity and productivity in general. However, despite all arguments we can confidently assert that corporate culture works and it is of great help for an organization.List of references1. Eric Flamholtz, Yvinne Randle Corporate burnish The net Strategic Asset 2. Edgar H. Schein Organizational Culture and Leadership 3. Naomi Stanford Corporate Culture Getting It Right. 4. John P. Kotter Corporate Culture and Performance 5. Kim S.Cameron, Robert E. Quinn name and Changing Organizational Culture Based on the Competing Values exemplar.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Ap Euro Notes
AP EUROPEAN HISTORY NOTES- Filled with silliness and wrong jokes, enjoy at your leisure If nearthing is in brackets, it is scarcely written in thither for our pleasure, ignore it if you be loo world power for actual develop workforcet. 7 The conversion and reclamation- 1350-1600 KeyUMSUniversal o Georgio Vasari- Rinascita=rebirth ( same Renaissance) painter/architect Male voter turn bulge out o Individualism People sought to receive per tidingsal de nonation for achievements, un worry medieval ideal of each(prenominal) glory goes to immortal names Ideas o Renaissance Began in Italian city- farmings, a take de gear upation of the printing press, laid way for Protestant reformation Events contains/Texts Italy urban center adduces, below HRE ( devoted Roman conglomerate) o For compacts ? old nobility vs. wealthy merchants FIGHT P-Prussia ?Popolo three class, the population, wanted own share of wealth/power R-Russia A-Austria ? Ciompi Revolts 1378 Florence, Pop olo were offensive eew, brief period of picture over government B-Britain ? Milan taken over by signor (which is a tyrant) Under control of the Condottiero (mercenary) Sforza- Signifi johnt because by and by this, a a couple of(prenominal) wealthy families dominated Venice (e. g. Medici) o Humanism Francesco Petrarch (Sonnets), came up with term Dark Ages, began to take up classical world of rhetoric and publications ?Cicero Important Roman, provided account of collapse of Roman Republic like Ed cont fired Gibbon, invented Ciceronian style Latin style of writing which humanists followed Even though they werent in Rome, Humanists did as the Romans do ? disrespect universe accused of follo winningsg Pagan culture, Petrarch talked a lot about(predicate) universality Civic Humanists Politicians/ diplomats, utilized public cultivation for common approximate Plato Studying Greek allowed enlightened people to observe platonic ideals also, bountiful fat weddings ? ? e. g. Pl atonic view of human potential observed by Pico della Mirandola, who gave oration on the dignity of man ?Castigli superstar wrote The Courtier, about what we would call a renaissance man k sassy languages, classical literature, and artsy gourmandize -12009- Daniel Shafrir, horse parsley Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Lorenzo Valla wrote about boon of Constantine Document where Constantine in any casek control of the Christian imperium, verbalise it was a fake because the expression fief was not invented yet. Analyzed The Vulgate Bible, give tongue to Jerome mistranslated from Greek silly Jerome ? Leonardo Bruni like Carla Bruni- developd education for women, though Left public speech out of curriculum, because women had no firing to use these skills oh. Silly women. ? o o Christine de Pisan wrote The city of Ladies, countered notion of inferiority, al atomic number 53 this was in brief proven false. Middle Ages Paintings were fresco fresca on plaster, Tempera on wood Re naissance Art ? Chiaroscuro Not at all like Mr. Carrasco Contrast betwixt light/dark to make 3D images case-by-case-point perspective- every(prenominal)thing converges to a point at infinity More realism than in Dark Ages art ? ? ? ? Filippo Brunelleschi- attic at cathedral of Florence High renaissance- Rome replaces Florence as middle(a) of art Religious people in Florence do not like tonic-made style, that popes (Julius II) like to beautify bootify? their city Late Renaissance/Mannerism- garble figures and conf using themes reflected growing crisis in Italy High Renaissance Artists ? ? Leonardo da Vinci- Military engineer, architect, sculptor, scientist, inventor, Mona Lisa Raphael- from Urbino, commissioned for Vati hind end palaces, images of deliverer and bloody shame, School of Athens shows Plato + Aristotle kissing? in hotshot point perspective Michelangelo- David commissioned by Florence as propaganda work against Milan maybe it was the genitalia. , Sistine ch apel service for Julius II, tomb for Julius II Splinter- Trainer of the Ninja Turtles o Northern Renaissance ? Questions concerning faith- study early Christian authors -22009- Daniel Shafrir, black lovage Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Erasmus + More- Christian humanists criticized church building, horrified that Martin Luther did not play ways to better the Catholic church Desiderius Erasmus- coined Where at that place is smoke there is a fire in his book Adages, also wrote Praise of lunacy= Satire to criticize church, wanted to reform church preferably of aban take ining it like Lex?No. Luther Sir doubting Thomas More- Utopia, meaning nowhere, live up tod for not recognizing total heat eight-spot as maneuver of the church of England (ut he could get down in force(p) forgotten his glasses ? Art Albrecht Duror- woodcuts in foul of Luthers revolution Chaucer- Canterbury Tales found The Decameron William Shakespeare- about whom we know postcode only primary school e ducation, examined human psyche and hammy inten modely in his work, contemporaries= Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson, wooer of beautiful History teachers Printing contend with movable type- Johannes Gutenberg, 200 record books, went broke by and by fashioning his ledgers as flowery as handwritten ones, sillllllllly Movable type performd rapid spread of information Informed people of phantasmal debates Made churches monopoly over bible interpretations irritable o Protestant Reformation complex and compelling ? Humanism- led individuals to question traditional ideas of repurchase but not salivation Problems facing El Churcho ? Black Death- ferocious irruption of the black plague, not related to black people Anticlericalism- give the sackment disrespecting clergy arising from brusk carrying out of clergymen during the plague, and in fact, that such a plague could befall so numerous people Pietism- DELICIOUS bear relationship amongst the individual and god, reduc ing the bring for a hierarchical church Babylonian Captivity and corruption in general within the church Poorly educated lower clergy, a good deal a result of simony- the sale of church study power 32009- Daniel Shafrir, black lovage Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? washstand Wycliff- had some no nos No no wealth of church No no transubstantiation- the belief that bread and wine are Jesus system and blood Wait, did Catholics persist heathen cannibalism? What. No no indulgences- selling of salvation by the church/no waiting in Purgatory, began during cru good-for-nothinges to get knights but was a popular sin for ages urged his followers (known for unclear reasons as the Lollards) lololol to read the bible and to interpret it themselves Translated bible into English ?Jan Hus- Bohemia, Rector of University of Prague said bible was & international vitamin Aeregt church, called before council in Constance, promised safe passage there, but burnt at the stake medium-rare Mart in Luther not to be confused with Martin Postumus rattling, feel exhaust to confuse him with Martin Posthumus. neighboring time you see Martin, ask him about sacraments. does not like indulgences, 95 Theses Wittenberg a response to ? Albert of Hohenzollern- had to raise ten thousand which is over 9,000 ducats, so hired Johann Tetzel to sell indulgences, Tetzel As soon as gold in the basin rings, the soul to heaven rings. o Pope Leo X Not interested in a squabble between monks, ignored 95 theses Luther contd- Dominicans wanted to charge Luther with Heresy because of the 95 Theses, Address to the Christian Nobility= secular govt can reform church, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church= attacked sacraments, Liberty of a Christian Man= bible is the sole SOUL HAHAHA source of faith, a bolt of lightning almost strikes him-> he becomes a monk what the loony bin? Pope Leo X- issued a portentous bull Toro demanding Luther recant or be burnt, Luther burns bull, excommunica ted by PETA Frederick, elector of Saxony- German prince, sympathetic to Luthers ideas Diet of Worms Eww Council of German nobility, HRE emperor Charles X asked Luther if he repudiates his books, to which he said he doesnt accept authority of the pope, only God.Exiled, hidden for a year in contendtburg Castle filled with toads, very unpleasant by Frederick of Saxony Luther Contd Contd reduced sacraments from 7 to 2, which were baptism and communion, had several tiddlerren with an ex-nun, family fixed at center of sacred faith. -42009- Daniel Shafrir, horse parsley Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Why did the Reformation watch over? German Peasants Revolt- Result of worsened economic condition, 12 articles interpreting Lutheranism as a message of social egalitarianism, to whichLuther wrote Against The Robbing and Murderous Hordes of Peasants Luther was not critical of correct encouragedprinces to confiscate Catholic land Charles V Couldnt control huge empire w/ Spain, New World, The Netherlands, Southern Italy, The Habsburgs, so he didnt do anything when the Protestants got revolting its because they never brushed their teeth, at long last fought protestants in best word ever, by the way Schmalkaldic warfares but was hale to sign slumber of Augsburg, which recognized Lutheranism in territories owned by a Lutheran. ? Radical Reformation Anabaptists- denied Baptism go figure o Believed baptism would only work on adults because they k mod what they were doing. Rebaptism became a capital shame in HRE, darn. Anabaptists took over Munster and created an honest-to-goodness-Testament-style theocracy men allowed to agree multiple wives. More public people mainstream Christians then captured it back. o o o Antitrinitarians- denied Trinity in truth? o Were hunted down ? Zwingli and Calvin Zwingli- Denied Sacraments, called last s hurrying a memorial of Christs death, did not cast off actual presence of Christ wait, condone this.Was he just like in the b athroom or something? Hey guys, Jesus isnt coming Should we start without him? Sure Disciples are meanies, QED. o o Swiss patriot Died leading Zurichs troops against Swiss Catholics conjuring trick Calvin- Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion Predestination, No free im pause, Geneva= New Jerusalem, No taverns, Penalties for having gypsies read your fortune (not jo baron. ) ? Black or Blonde? English- The English Reformation -52009- Daniel Shafrir, horse parsley Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus Henry the Eighth, by the Grace of God, mogul of England and France, Defender of the Faith and lord of Ireland- Epitaph tribunalesy of Wikipedia when researching earlier. I want such a title. o well- attempt to divorce Catherine of Aragon, even though previous pope had adjudgen him peculiar(a) dispensation to connect her in the beginning place. Pope refused, Henry began reformation of sevens. ? Reformation fantan Gave bribes of land from monasteries (because he dissolved them) as a yield for passing certain acts, passed o o fiddle of Supremacy pouf of England is supreme breaker point of Church of England Henry can marry Anne Boleyn Act of Succession Children of Anne Boleyn are matureful heirs (ouch for Catherine) o o Had been sleeping with Anne Boleyn, gotten her pregnant, thusly act in restraint of appeals declaring the King decided spiritual cases within the kingdom kinda than the pope. Anny Boleyn gave birth to Elizabeth Tudor, so he beheaded her. o Edward VI- Short reign, tried to institute Protestant theology into Church of England. Mary Tudor- besides unretentive reign, wife of phonetically Catholic Philip of Spain, tried to bring back universality. ? burn down several hundred Englishmen at the stake ? The presserreformation- Also known as the Catholic Reformation Index of prohibited books- include Erasmus, Galileo what, physics? neer heard of it Papal inquisition- Put heretics to death heretic is a freaking awesome word. Council of Tr ent- papacy controlled church council, enhanced papal power o Council placed limits on simony, mandated education, caused intensely polar interpretations of the world, Baroque art and music created. If it aint Baroque, dont fix it Ignatius Loyola- founded Jesuits, Religion was a spiritual intercourse with God, not within Bible but within oneself. phantasmal exercises. -62009- Daniel Shafrir, black lovage Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus 8 The Age of Expansion and the Rise of Monarchical States o Portuguese & Spanish Empires ? Bartholomew Dias sailed somewhat Cape of Good Hope, Confederate tip of Africa. Cape of Hood Hope common typo? Vasco de Gama reached coast of India Christopher capital of Ohio Sailed to Canary Islands, from there to Bahamas Noted in his diary that Indians were friendly and gentle, therefore easy to enslave Not a cool guy ? ? Magellan circumnavigates globe Cortez- Mexico, in Aztec Empire o Conquered Tenochtitlan with help of Aztec slaves Montezuma- gave gold, in return Spanish seized the capital and took him hostage. Really, Spain? Really? Pizarro unmakeed Incas in Peru o o Captured Inca emperor Atahuelpa, ransomed him for gold, rule through him, then killed him. Yep, this again. Spanish created Haciendas, plantations, through encomienda system of forced drive for some reason, Alex selects to italicize kinda than boldDevelopment of Monarchical States ? Reversal of parliaments from Middle Ages to create absolute crowned headies ? Jean Bodin- Monarchies seduce to be absolute Louis XIV- France, Stuart Monarchs- England Nation-States Bureaucratization- frameed office of intendant, tax collector on behalf of monarch o Need for bullion led to corruption seen in sale of royal office (except in England) Permanent mercenary host o Swiss phalanx- army of pikemen not Pokemon Pokemon is in the Mac dictionary who killed horsemen, later onwards had gunpowder. Created a 72009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus claim for currency in monarchy, need which could only be fed by an absolute monarchy. ? Monarchs need taxes to kick in for permanent armies, which were used to suppress peasants angry at taxes virulent circle ? Italy Treaty of Lodi- Balance of power among major Italian city-states, created alliance between enemies Milan and Naples YOUR NAPLES ARE SHOWING Ludovico Il Moro- became despot in Milan, fought Naples which are showing and invited french to satisfy longstanding claims to Naples which are showing Charles V one-third immediately did so, when he gets to Florence he meets Savonaroli, a radical Dominican preacher who had just expelled Medicis and established a Puritanical state Recognizes what he had done, joined an anti- french alliance to expel cut and reinstate Medicis Medicis burn Savonaroli at the stake (with support of Pope) in revenge. o o Nicola Machiavelli- The Prince Story about a prince on a white horse, saves a princess and then marries her to gain control of her country, institutes harsh rule ? Spain- Dominion of JULIA LOPEZ Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Ca quietene o Consolidated peninsula- called Reconquista ? Included Religious Uniformity, led to Spanish Inquisition Nobody expected it Id prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition than to ever let a woman in my electric chargeer Spanish Inquisition Anti-Jew, Anti-Moor ? o Charles V (Ferdinand &Isabellas grandson)- married into becoming HRE, abdicates and gives throne to brother Ferdinand (also controls Habsburg lands) ? His son Philip receives Spain, southern Italy, The Netherlands, the New World Duke of Alvas Council of Troubles tried to enforce Catholicism for Philip in Netherlands, also sent Military hero Don Juan to fight, later sent Spanish Armada Results Council failed, Don Juan failed, Protestant Wind blew Armada past WOOOOOOOSH -82009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus o Cervantes- Don Quixote Donkey Hotay, bemoaned lack of chivalry cu t for Being a Horse in Spain El Greco revealed that powerful Spain could not hold up European position The Holy Roman Empire ? 0th and 11th centuries- most powerful state, grew weaker with papal conflict Despite lack of army, popes support by German Nobility, giving them unshakable sway over emperor o Golden Bull- 7 German princes addicted right to elect emperor Charles V- powerful Habsburg, attempted to establish genuine imperial control, used Lutheran reformation as a weapon against German princes placidity of Augsburg- Princes given the right to decide religion of territory aka Ecclesiastical Reservation, Catholicism or Lutheranism oProblematic for Frederick III of the Palatinate (an elector state) who was a Calvinist ? Thirty Years War- about thirty years long. Began in Bohemia, Ferdinand of Styria is crowned king Protestant angry with his intolerance defenestrate his catholic advisors in Prague Turkey Baster Turkey Baster la la la la la HRE Emperor Mathias dies, Ferd inand elected emperor o A few hours later, he learns he has been overthrown in Bohemia Frederick, a Calvinist ( ) is the new king in Bohemia Ferdinand had no army, so he borrowed the Duke of Bavarias army what?You can do that? employment of the innocence Mountain- Bavarian forces win a major victory, create cream Frederick is now sad, called the wintertime king because he only ruled for winter Private armies want to keep fighting so they can have $$$, so war continues Duke of Bavaria fears Habsburgs-> Ferdinand must find new army o o Albrecht von Wallenstein- VAST MERC ARMY 125,000 Major victories in the sum for Ferdinand -92009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus Edict of Restitution- outlawed Calvinism, required Lutherans to turn over all billet seized since 1552 Gustavus Adolphus- King of Sweden, entered war due to Edict, claiming to defend Protestant rights, actually nope, just wanted German territory primal Richelieu- Absolutist, Decided to support Swedish army financially because he didnt want Habsburgs to be difficult Peace of Westphalia- 30 yr war over o o HRE maintains divisions Emperor still leader of Ger umteen Reaffirmed Peace of Augsburg (princes choose religion of territory, Calvinism added as a choice now) o France- Dominion of Funny Bear (http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=5H59Py7KApU) and Gerard Giblin ?Henry II- dies in a jousting tournament from a lance to the eye, he should have seen that coming -> Francis II is king cut Wars of Religion Began when Duke of pretence dictum a group of Huguenots hero-worshiping in a barn, got mad, HAD THEM SLAIN Huguenots- cut Calvinists HUGE KNOTS Catherine de Medici o o After Henry II dies, Francis II was too youngCatherine was a regent January Edict of 1562- Huguenots HUGE KNOTS gain immunity of worship Peace of Saint Germaine-Laye Protestants can fortify cities (Catherine allied with Catholics, but did not want the protestants to be sad, so this is what they get) o Guise==catholic, militant geese BourbonCalvinists ALEX WHAT UP WITH THE ITALICS o o Admiral Coligny (Advisor to Charles IV, so Catherine didnt like him) & Prince of Condeboth converted for policy-making opportunities Henry of Navarre (Bourbon prince) marries Charles IXs sister, geological fault power to BourbonsCatherine de Medici doesnt want either to have power, so she convinces Charles IX to do St. Bartholomews Day Massacre- burning all Huguenots 10 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? o Coligny dies, Navarres life sparedhe promised to convertHenry III (Not Navarre) wanted to pour down powerful Catholic League Geese, made Navarre his heir, Huguenots then helped him attack them Peace of Beaulieu- complete religious freedom for Protestants. THIS IS NEW. NO REALLY. Henry of Navarre becomes Henry IV of France when Henry III assassinated o o ? ? ? Everyone supports him because of common opposite of Spain Until revolution, all cut kings are f rom Bourbon dynasty Converts to Catholicism to be of the majority group, but so Huguenots would not get mad he created Edict of Nantes- Huguenots can worship and assemble, and maintain fortified cities NAVARRRRRRR ? Politique- the idea of put optionting the interest of the state before religious unity- Henry III and Henry IV was one of these Royal Absolutism- ? Henry IV tries to revitalize kingdom torn as beneath by war o o Duke of Sully + HIV Henry the fourth, silly- established government monopolies over things people like, such as salt particular nobility in parliament Assassinated, 9 year old son Louis XIII takes throne, but like most nine year olds, is a relatively weak King. o Louis XIII oNeeded strong minister Bonjour, Cardinal Richelieu ? Richelieu beats up Huguenots HUGE KNOTS and takes away Edict of Nantes that was fast. Brings France into thirty years war -> increased govt power Dies, replaced by Mazarin ? ? Louis XIV o Five years old. Anne Of Austria, his moth er, selects Cardinal Mazarin to be regent 11 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? o Less sure governmental hand than Richelieu. This led to a lot of riots called the Fronde.Mazarin dies, Louis decides because of the Fronde to rule without an advisor he is a teenager and believes the world revolves around him Louis told people that the monarch had the divine rights, O.K. it up by the Old Testament. o ? Bishop Bossuet said that the king was chosen by god (only god could judge the behavior of the king) Louis was probably sitting in a corner, going, dont judge me o o May or may not have said letat cest moi, (I am the state) Builds Versailles to prove his power, wanted to safely ignore the people 12 miles away from genus Paris ? While it cost a huge amount of cash to maintain Versailles, Louis thought it was worth it. Instead of plotting against the king, the aristocrats were involved with court intrigue and blurt and with ceremonial issues such as who got t o hold the kings arm as he dressed Best review book ever? o Jean-Baptiste Colbert= minister, instituted mercantilism? building up gold by exporting goods, an preservation based on exports. Organized factories and abolished tariffs. ?Five immense Farms- large regions where one does not have to go through customs French eastern hemisphere India Company, west coast of Africa, posts in India, much of the Caribbean, Quebec, = French international mercantilist empire of supreme power. ? o For real this time. Revokes the Edicts of Nantes, demolishes Huguenot churches, takes away Huguenots civil rights. They ran away to England and the Netherlands, and since France was at war with England and the Netherlands, they fought against France. Stupid, stupid Louis ? o England Treaty of Utrecht- Bourbons lead Spain ?War of the Roses- Series of civil wars to determine whether York or Lancaster would rule England. Result Lancaster (Henry VII, a Tudor) go away be king. After Henry VII dies, He nry VIII becomes king surprise surprise 12 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Henry VIII believed his sovereignty would be ineffective if England was under religious jurisdiction of Rome-> created Church of England Tudor pouf ElizabethHenrys girl with Anne Boleyn ? Called The Virgin Queen- used sexual union as a diplomatic tool, used rulers made them think she would marry them ? owerful alliances writing that in italics makes it look like the name of a boat Mary Stuart of Scotland- her intelligent heir, also Catholic o Kept her under house arrest, she was cowardly Mary was plotting against her Treaty of Burwick- Let it be known that crowd (Marys son) exit be king of England instead (he was Protestant), in your face Mary Queen of Scots ? Knock knock Whos there o Mary Queen of Scots o Bye bye, your head o Elizabeth beat Spanish Armada? England remains Protestant and free of immaterial ascendance ?STUART James VI- Absolutist, didnt call parlia ment for awhile, finally he called it because he needed money Puritans- thought monarch shouldnt be head of church o So James persecuted the Puritans ? STUART Charles I Lent support to Armenians (sect of Anglican church, believed in predestination), named William Laud the Archbishop of Canterbury unrelated to the eggs wait, those are Cadbury Eggs. Never mind Requested a forced loan from frightfuls, they didnt want to pay so he threw them in jail o They put forward Petition of Rights, forced him to sign ? ? ?No forced taxation without fantan No free man could be imprisoned without due cause No quarter of troops in private homes 13 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? No soldierlike law against civilians John Eliot- Three Resolutions this formatting is intense o o o bothone suspected of practicing Catholicism is a capital enemy of the state Any of Kings advisors who recommend he raise funds outback(a) of fan tan are also capital enemies of the state An yone who paid tonnage certificate of indebtedness and poundage (duties the king imposed without parliament) was betraying the liberties of England Response King dissolved parliament Personal Rule of Charles Charles governing England sans Parliament o To get money collected ship money used to be where coastal towns paid extra tax to pay for shipbuilding, but now errrybody in the night club getting taxed. Insisted that Calvinist Scotland adopt Church of England and prayer book The Book Of Common Prayer 1640 Charles called parliament because he thought they would give him money to put down Scottish rebellion- Short Parliament Dissolved it because they refused to give him funds before addressing their own needs. Formed an army because he was still angry at Scots then he banned kilts ?JK, Scots win Scots refuse to leave after invading England Made Charles pay a lot of money to them o o o o Charles has to call Long Parliament to pay for it o o o o Size matters Met for 20 years Im peached Charles ministers Abolished prerogative courts (kings courts) such as Star Chamber Grand Remonstrance- A lot (240) of things that Parliament are moaning and whining about o Says Parliament has to approve minister 14 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus o o o Church of England reformed by committee No ship money ***Parliament called once every 3 years*** In response CHARLES INVADES PARLIAMENT o fellowship of Commons passes Militia Ordinance (very quickly because there were Soldiers at their doors) Gave Parliament control of the army Charles I fled to England, just in case o jk ? civil War Happened Major issues o Whether England was going to have an absolute monarch or parliamentary monarch Anglican or Presbyterian See Lizzy Pelletier Cavaliers vs Roundheads o o ? ? ? Cavaliers==King Charles, Nobility, Anglicans Roundheads==parliament, Scots, townspeople, puritans Parliament win because of alliance with Scots Gen Cromwell (Lord Protector) created Ne w sample army Parliament tries Charles for treason, executes ? ? Commonwealth Abolished monarchy + house of lords No more Anglican church, now puritan republic o Puritan Rules of Behavior elemental clothes, no entertainment, no alcohol, no dancing, no fun. Independents wanted state church and religious freedom Presbyterians wanted state church and NO DISSENTERS o o Parliament No mo army o Cromwell records nope 15 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Wants to conquer Ireland and Scotland didnt these guys just help you? Not cool. Parliament gives no money to Army Cromwell disbands Parliament o This is a new thing. We have never seen this before. Really. The only important thing he does is separate England into multitude districts ? o ? Cromwell dies, monarchy back STUART CHARLES II o Treaty of Dover come on Dover. Move your bloomin arse - Charles would convert to Catholicism when conditions permit, made between Charles and French Louis XIV ? Charles ge ts a lot of money from Louis. This was good for him because he was getting a lot less English money to support his plushy lifestyle STUART James II o repeals Test Act (didnt allow Catholics to be officials/military, swear oaths for transubstantion), also, AP Test Act Declaration of Indulgence ? ? No more religious tests for office holders Allowed freedom of worship Parliament reply Not worried because they thought the throne would go to James daughter Mary the protestant Sneaky James marries, makes a bebby, New James the Catholic o Parliament responds by inviting Mary the protestant and her new husband, William of Orange to invade England, no opposition ? ORANGES William and Mary o poster of Rights of 1689 ?Limits power of monarchy monarch is subject to law, must be protestant, include parliament in lawmaking monarch butterflies still free to do as they please 16 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Elections to parliament free of royal inter ference No church courts Parliament consent for taxes required You can petition the king Parliament consent required for army People can have guns emancipation of Debate in parliament because until now, they coincidentally agreed on everything King cant just take peoples stuff without having a trial.Then he can. Excessive bail, nono. Parliament has to be held frequently. ? ? ? o Act Of Toleration- a compromise bill ? Non-conformists (protestants who were not in the church of England) given right of public worship, Unitarians or Catholics were illegal. Test Act remained ? o The riot Act mutated knee act ? Authorized martial law to govern the army. Had to be re-passed every year (parliament had to be summoned yearly for this) Queen is now STUART Anne. cipher changes. o Act of Settlement- preventing catholic Stuarts from getting on the throne ?Basically, this said that if Queen Anne dies without an heir, the throne goes to the Protestants in Hanover. Specifically, George the first. o Act Of Union- formed nifty Britain out of England and Scotland. Only done so that Scotland would not go to war with England allied with France. ? Scotland gives up their parliament, allowed to maintain a Presbyterian church. o The Netherlands- a center of commerce and traffic. ? Dutch War Of Independence 17 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? City of Antwerp was sacked.They c misplaced the Scheldt river as part of the peace of Westphalia. Lead to the center of trade being changed to Amsterdam. The Golden Age Bank of Amsterdam Dutch east India company Higher standard of living Religious tolerance The Dutch proved to be nimble businessmen In the Spanish inquisition, Jews fled to Netherlands one could say they were orange Jews Franz Hals- great portrait painter from Haarlem (yes, its spelled like that. ) Jan Vermeer- varicolored scenes of everyday Dutch life Rembrandt Van Rijn- painted The Night Watch- churrigueresco art period ? Political dece ntralization o House of Orange- noble house who got power from revolting against Spain. Stadholder= male head of the family William of Nassau (hes William of Orange, guys) = stadholder of the family Orange beats up France. He also became the king of England. biography in Modern Europe ? ? Growth and population- Population doubled in France between 1450-1550 Price revolution- population growth put pressure on basic commodities. Prices had to increase like 500% because supply was less than demand.Rural life Gentry are people from towns and cities. o These guys jump to enclose their lands aka. shut in off land that used to be open. ? English Poor Law-The state provides for the poor 18 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? 3-field system- the rotation of crops in agriculture? 1/3 lay fallow (they didnt use it), 1/3 crops, 1/3 animals baa baa moooo Primogeniture- the oldest male child gets all the jaunt. City life Guilds continue to play a role in fruit of commodities. Cloth production done on a large scale.Capitalist entrepreneur would provide funds and organization of every stage of production. This made alter guild-members sad. ? Family life No more than 3 or 4 children (usually) Marriages were set by parents, or formally improved, because they involved a transfer of property o o Married couples are generous-fledged members of society Single adults were looked on as potential thieves or trouble-makers if they were male, and as prostitutes if they were female. There was a dowry o Tasks divided by gender & age, child labor was normal. manpower do work, women cook, clean and make bebbies. For Protestants, the house became central rather than the church. o Paternalism increased because father is now the only person between the family and god 9 The Scientific Revolution and skill o in front the scientific revolution ? The view of scholasticism-combination of Christianity and ancient authors, such as Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle. Four Elements existence, air, fire, water o Earth is the heaviest element and the earth is the center of the universe oAlchemy could define chemistry of the time Didnt care about astronomy, believed in the works of Ptolemy (the heavens move around the earth) The important revolution 19 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Nicolas Copernicus wrote Concerning The Revolutions Of Celestial Spheres. A heliocentric universe, where the planets move about the sun. The orbits were circular. Tycho Brahe- the movement of the sun revolved around the earth but the other planets revolved around the sun. he taught Kepler. fun facts about Brahe, courtesy of Mr.Willard Brahe disordered his nose in a bar fight over a math question, and fixed it with many metal noses that he would replace from day to day. Also, he had a pet dwarf who he would bring out at parties. The dwarf would go under the table and do things with his give Johannes Kepler- planets go in ell ipses. Galileo Galilei- invented the telescope. The moon has mountains, and its made of the same textile as earth. Jupiter has moons, and stars are far away. He also stated that the acceleration of gravity was constant for all masses.Giordano Bruno argued that there were many worlds in the universe, the papal inquisition executed him. Isaac Newton wrote Principia, examined the relations of different forces, invented differential calculus, and discovered that white light was a mixture of different lights. ? ? ? ? ? o The repair of scientific revolution on doctrine ? Francis Bacon a delicious man argued to examine secernate from nature when making thesis. Rene Descartes- I think therefore I am, wrote hash out on Method, challenged major classical beliefs.He invented logical proofs (if P then Q), he tried to make logic and philosophy be done with math because it was incorruptible see Robespierre in relation to math Blaise Pascal the fireman Pascals wager= it is better to bet that god exists than to bet that he does not, since if he does you will go to heaven, and if he doesnt then you dont lose anything. Thomas Hobbes believed that life was nasty, brutish and short. Wanted absolutism (man formed states with a sovereign that has complete power, the subjects would never rebel) because man naturally wanted to destroy each other.John Locke- social contract between the people and the state, where the people have certain inalienable rights no ET allowed of life, liberty, and property. If a government infringes on these rights, man has the right nay, the responsibility to rebel. Another idea was Tabula Rasa- there is no predestination or accepted sin people were born with a clean slate. ? ? ? ? o The eighteenth-century Enlightenment ? Immanuel Kant- idea that individuals should not believe an idea simply because authority says it, people should use reasoning to solve businesss.Philosophers are thinkers and would often speak at salons. ? 20 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Republic of Letters was an international community of philosophers who communicated en francais M. Giblin. Voltaire was a philosophe. And a deist- believed that god created the universe and the laws of science, those laws are still being followed. ? Ecrasez linfame (crush the horrible thing) was anti-religion He wrote Candide- humans cannot expect to find gratification by associating with specific philosophical systems. People should try to find a private comfort. ?Baron de Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of the Laws, wrote about separation of powers and checks and balances. Also said that slavery was unnatural and bad. Diderot wrote Encyclopedia, a collaboration of all the knowledge and information that was prominent at the time Rousseau was the most radical philosophe, antagonized Voltaire believed in direct democracy vs. the other philosophes who believed in a constitutional monarchy. Ideas became prominent after his death, especially in the French Revolution. ? ? o Social Contract- Everyone has a duty to their country, a perfect society would be controlled by the general will of its populaceThe Spread of Enlightenment Thought ? Cesare Baccaria- Crimes and Punishment, about changing jurisprudence, the theory and philosophy of law. He believed everyone should have basic rights. David Hume- Atheism, doubt on religion. Questioned assumptions around cause and effect. EDWARD GIBBON- Wrote Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, which was mean, criticized Christianity, saying it weakened the vibrancy of the empire and contributed to its downfall Adam Smith- Wealth of Nations Free market, laissez-faire, invisible hand ? ? o Women and the Enlightenment ? Organized salons, where philosophes hung out Marquise de Pompadour- Louis the XVs mistress, helped Diderot rescind censorship Mary Wollstonecraft- Women should vote, and hold public office. ? ? o European powers In the age of enlightenment ? Enlightened Absolutists- Catherine t he abundant of Russia, Joseph II of Austria, Frederick II of Prussia Prussia and Austria ? 21 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus Frederick William (The big Elector) worked out agreement with the Junkers (Prussian nobility)they could have serfs, and would pay him money for the privilege Son Frederick III became Frederick I of Prussia (because Prussia became a Kingdom? ) Also was Frederick the Great, an enlightened absolutist o Freed serfs on Royal estates, but not the Junkers serfs, because he liked the Junkers. Abolished capital punishment, decreased amount of corporal punishment on serfs o Austrian Empress Maria Theresa begat Joseph II, who was a fan of religious toleration o Issued Edicts of Toleration, granting Jews, Lutherans, Calvinists freedom of worship Wars of Austrian Succession o o HREmperor Charles VI has no male heir, issues Pragmatic Sanctionsays there can be a female heir Therefore, Maria Theresa is crowned, but France and Prussia begin to se ize land (violating the sanction) Frederick I takes advantage of this and seizes Silesia, the richest part of Austria Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle- Austrian throne will go to Habsburgs stop the war Result of the War Prussia gains power Diplomatic Revolution alliance between Austrians and French, meant to weaken Prussians ?Great Britain allies with Prussia Leads directly into Seven Years War Ultimately won by Prussians and British because Russian Czar Peter III didnt want to have so much conflict so he protected the Prussians British allies defeat the French in the French and Indian War in America o o o o ? ? RussiaThe Fatherland Ivan the Terrible expanded territory under the control of Muscovy what the hell? , Russia entered into a period of time known as THE TIME OF TROUBLES 22 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus When I find myself in times of trouble, FATHER STALIN comes to me, ended with the selection of a czar from the Romanov family. This was Peter the Gr eat o o o o Forced nobles to shave their beards (as was the style in the west) Taxed nobility by the number of serfs they had establish monopolies on commodities like salt (See HIV) hedge of Rankseach government position had a graduated ranking, social mobility Established St.Petersburg, a window on the West, built in the newest styles from France if you oasist gotten the hint, Peter was a big fan of the West Conscripted serfs into the army, built the first Russian navy, defeated the Swedes in the great Northern war Catherine the Great codified Russian law and had an affair with Stanislaw Augustus Poniatowski, he somehow became the King of Poland shortly afterwards. o o o ? Poland Lithuanian grand-duke Jagiello married civilisation queen Jadwiga? PolishLithuanian Commonwealth o Defeated the Teutonic Knights at Battle of Grunwald When Poniatowski becomes King, he displayed an independent streak that Catherine the Great did not expect from her antecedent Lover Prussia, Russia, Austria forced Poland to accept a partition o Poland loses 30% of its territory Poland had Europes first written constitution o o Reduces the power of nobles who appealed to Russians for assistance Russia and Prussia partitioned again, which removed the constitution and removed a lot of land ? Tadeusz Kosciuszko leads a Polish revolt forcing Poniatowski to abdicate one-third and final partition wiping Poland off the map. Great Britain Tories 23 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus o Whigs o o Wanted prerogative rights of the monarch More enlightened, liked religious tolerance Had a certain leader ? Do you recover his name? It is Edmund Burke o Argued that parties were essential to parliamentary government and political stability. You should have learned all of the American Revolution stuff in APUSH American Revolution spurred a movement of parliamentary reform in Great Britain oJohn Wilkes, member of the House of Commons and part time pornographer*, arr ested for publishing a satirical attack on King George III ? *Perfect example of social mobility. o ? France Wanted greater freedom of press and UMS Jansenists- Catholic sect which believes in predestination o Parlements== idyll law courts made up of nobles, block Louis XV from supporting a papal decree banning Jansenists ? Louis XV abolishes parlements Louis XVI brings them back 10- The French Revolution, forty winks, the European Reaction o Background Wallpaper? of the revolution ?Major problem facing 80s France fros? was financialthey were kinda bankrupt, Budget 50% paying(a) debts and interest 25% military o Funding American revolution, skirmishes with British 6% Royal Life whig powdering? intentional misspelling. They powdered Edmund Burke he was a whig leader 24 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? 19% infrastructure not that much. Sad peasant. Estates public First Estate- Church and Clergy o Wealthy churchies, but there were also poor chur ches who felt reorient for the third estate Tithe- church tax o Second Estate- Nobles and aristocracy o o Only 3% of population Feudal privileges Controlled mill around and winemaking, would often charge their own fees for use of the mills effectively making it difficult for peasants to use their grain Third Estate- Peasants and Bourgeoisie (the educated upper middle class, lawyers and doctors and thinkers) o Abbe Sieyes- Quest-ce que le troisieme etat? , What is the third estate? Everything. What has it been in the political order up till the present? Nothing. What does it ask? To become something. Were of all time overruled in EG because 1/3, when govt needed money they always increase taxes ? ? Fourth Estate- Batman He was Robin the Pierre Role of Enlightenment? INSPIRATION. Causes Failed harvests in 1789 makes poor people poor Louis fires Minister Finance Necker who wanted to subsidize grain and tax nobles, Peasants sad ? Louis called fable of Notables (leading aristoc rats and churches), asked if they wanted to pay a land tax they on the face of it said yes. , instead suggested that they would have a greater share in governing ok, sure guys, called for an Estates General o Calling of the Estates General ? ? Hey, Estates General Everybody complains that the third estate gets a third of the vote, so the King does nothing 25 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? Erryone wanted change, but nobody knew how they wanted it, resulting in thousands of Cahiers de doleances (lists of grievances) Examples of what they wanted equal tax system and regular meetings of the EG, limiting the coat of sheep herds ? o King kept everybody waiting Tennis Court gent ? The third estate was locked out of the meeting, so they went to a tennis court (handball) whatever it was a court.They resolved keep convening until there was a new constitution Declaration of the Rights of Man- Lafayette influenced this, King did not sign guaranteed Liberty, Frat ernity, and Equality (later the French Motto) ? o leaders THUNDERSTORMING OF THE BASTILLE AND THE GREAT FEAR depicted object Assembly, Legislative Assembly, bailiwick Convention, The Directory Enrage J. Herbert Jacobins Robespierre, St. Just Couthon, republic of pure virtue idealism, vague Cordeliers J. P. Marat, G. J. Danton, C. Desmoulins Republic. maven house, broader suffrage but not for women Girondists Jaques Brissot, M&Mme Roland, Condorcet, A.Sieyes Keep king as a figurehead, prime minister or president. Parliamentary system. shaky executive, strong legislative. Limited suffrage. Reform gradually, use laws. Upper bourgeoisie Feuillants Lafayette, Mirabeau Royalists Count Of Artios Agenda Anarchy Constitutional monarchy Absolutism Means To End Supporters frenzy is nice. Abolish all, kill, then peace. Radical intellectuals, radical sandculottes Violence may be necessary (guillotine) Leaders? bourgeoisie, intellectuals. Followers? sansculottes Rapid reform, system of l aws, wider suffrage Leaders? ourgeoisie, intellectuals. Followers ? sans-culottes Very slow and careful gradualllllllllllllly change, natural laws. Some (newer) nobles, some clergy Violence may be necessary to get back baffled power Upper-class (old wealth) nobles, upper clergy 26 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus o ? Bastille- prison, a symbol of royal despotism, held dissenters. Peasants went and took the gunpowder. When they killed the governor (of the bastille), they put his head on a pike. This was the beginning of VIOLENCE bang bang Louis was really scared. He recognized the convey of Paris (a new government of the city of Paris). New national guard, under the command of Lafayette (a hero of the American subverter War) The great grape fear force-out between the peasants and the nobles. Some aristocrats began to renounce their feudal rights Poissonards Women from the fish market (poisson substance fish), had knives for gutting, they could gut people like a fish like Katie Evans. It was raining, guards of the palace saw them and decided to invite them in and give them food.They found the King and Queen COWERING IN FEAR, Marquis de Lafayette made them compromise (they wanted to kill Marie Antoinette), instead they just had the royal family move to the Tuileries, a lesser palace in Paris. TURNING POINT The center of the revolution was in Paris, Natl Assembly moved to Paris as well. June 1791-King and Queen try to eschape ? ? ? ? ? Dressed like bourgeoisie went in a carriage, headed towards the Austrian Netherlands (Varenne) to meet up with the emigres (nobles who had fled during the Great Fear o Count of Artois (Louis XVIs brother) had led the emigres.Were found out by a drunk guy, brought back to Paris and put under Palace Arrest ? Declaration of Pillnitz Issued by Leopold of Austria Said they would throttle France, but only if all of Europe came with them ? Olympe de Gouge- Wrote The Rights of Women, argued women should hav e property, education, and the right to divorce. courteous Constitution of the Church- King is forced to pass this Church is a department of the state, bishops are elected, clergy has state-funded salaries and all have to swear an oath of loyalty. Considered by many historians (and Mrs. Lansell) to be the biggest mistake of the revolution.Created a split in religion when Pope Pius VI denounced the Civil Constitution. ? 27 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus o o contumacious Clergy- more devout Catholics, included King and many peasants. Being part of this gave one a reason to be anti-revolution. Constitutional Clergy- strong revolutionariesthere was no strong reason to be part of this. Assignats- Government bonds backed by repossessed Church landseach bill was redeemable for church land, eventually became the currency of the Republic. ? The National Assembly King has suspensive veto- can bide voting on legislation for 4 years.Also control army and for eign policy. Passive Citizens- Men who do not pay taxes. Active Citizens- Men who pay taxes. o Electors- active citizens with high property requirements. France was divided into 83 Departments (instead of the provinces) Paris Commune- Municipality of Paris, controlled by the people. Essentially idealistic communism (even though Marx hadnt come up with it yet? ) o Controlled by Enrages Jews and Protestants have full political rights No slavery o Toussaint L Ouverture- Enraged at the continuation of slavery in the colonies, led a slave rebellion in Hispaniola (now Haiti)Brunswick Manifesto- Issued by Duke of Brunswick of Prussia threatened to destroy Paris if the King or his family were harmed. Sans Culottes o Stormed the Tuileries and killed 600 Swiss mercenary guards, because they were bored and had nothing better to do. kinfolk Massacres- Raped, killed, pillaged, and burned o Lafayette is somehow No Longer the Commander he flees and captured by Austrians and put in Jail unt il Napoleon comes and Frees Him. Paris Commune forces the National Assembly to create a new Legislative Body using UMS this was called the National Convention o European Reactions to the French Revolution 28 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus ? William Pitt the Younger dumbest name ever, British PM, hoped that the war would finally end the rivalry between the two nations. EDMUND BURKE- Wrote Reflections on the French Revolution, opposed the French Revolution, predicting it would become more violent Well done, Edmund Buuuuurke ? o THE REIGN OF TERRiER Puppies? (Actually TerrOr) ? Montagniards- Radical Jacobins- named because they chose to sit above all the others in the National Convention The Plain- Girondists, moderates. Believed in Laissez-Faire, support a strong legislative government.Committee of Public Safety- Comprised of Danton, Carnot, and Maximilien Robespierre who is incorruptible, right? Vendee- Area of France which uprose because the subverter Tr ibunal (specifically Carnot, head of the military) created a Levee en Masse, or mandatory delineate on every male 16-25. This angered the peasants because it took away their strong men right before the harvest. Law of Maxim- Froze wages and prices. Price controls benefited the Sans-Culottes. Law of Suspects- Empowers the Revolutionary Tribunal (Committee of Public Safety) to arrest anyone suspicious or suspected. Banned women from administration Censored the press ? ? ? ? ? ? Jean-Paul Marat- Journalist, published names of dissenters, stabbed by Charlotte Corday The day after he died was Bastille Day, so he was considered the martyr of the revolution and statues were made in his honor. Jacobins used his death as justification of the terror ? Jacobins tried to create a Republic of Virtue, where they removed all traces of the old regime. Created a new calendar Removed all traces of religious symbols Created the Cult of the Supreme Being- a religion celebrating virtue, Roman inf luence.Worship every 10 geezerhood (weeks were 10 days long in the revolutionary calendar) o Supreme Being was beauteous much Robespierre. Guillotined political enemies, circa 20,000 people. 29 2009- Daniel Shafrir, Alexander Pinkus, Elizabeth Pinkus o Many were Girondists. ? Desmoulins (a Cordelier) wrote for a newspaper, in which he called for the end of the terror and therefore was arrested by Robespierre Danton supported his theory (was also a Cordelier) and was arrested too No Cordeliers are left, so only the Jacobins are in power.Robespierres popularity wanes o Robespierre says he has a list of all the traitors in the National Assembly and that he will read it the next day Overnight they decide he is a traitor ? He is arrested He tried to shoot himself and fails o They execute him o ? Thermidorean Reaction- People get mad, 100 leading Jacobins are guillotined The White Terror- Any association with Jacobins or Robespierre would get you guillotined. o o The Directory N apoleon was arrested, but he managed not to get guillotined. ?The Council of Ancients- People aged 40+ They voted on legislation which the Council of 500 created. They had 3 year terms. The Council of 500- General multitude had to be aged 30+. 2/3 of them had to have been in the National Convention. Royalists were upset because they had left the National Convention earlier. Tough luck, guys 2/3 law reaction Royalists are protesting over the 2/3 law, peasants are generally angry over bad harvests and such so royalists let them fight too. ? o NAPOLEON BONAPARTE
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