Saturday, May 23, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
What Is an Adverb in English Grammar
An adverb is a part of speech (or word class) thats primarily used to modify a verb, adjective, or other adverbs and can additionally modify prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, and complete sentences. Put another way, adverbs are content words that provide information about how, when, or where something happens. Adverbs are also called intensifiers because they intensify the meaning of the word or words they are modifying, notes Your Dictionary. An adverb that modifies an adjectiveâ€â€as in quite sadâ€â€or another adverbâ€â€as in very carelesslyâ€â€appears immediately in front of the word it modifies, but one that modifies a verb is generally more flexible: It may appear before or afterâ€â€as in softly sang or sang softlyâ€â€or at the beginning of the sentenceâ€â€Softly she sang to the babyâ€â€with the position of an adverb typically affecting the meaning of the sentence. Adverbs can modify a verb or adjective in several ways, by providing information about emphasis, manner, time, place, and frequency. Adverbs of Emphasis Adverbs of emphasis are used to give added force or a greater degree of certainty to another word in a sentence or to the sentence as a whole, for example: He certainly liked the food.She is clearly the frontrunner.Naturally, I like my chicken crispy. Other common adverbs of emphasis include absolutely, definitely, obviously, positively, really, simply, and undoubtedly. These types of adverbs serve to bolster the part of speech they modify. Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of manner indicate how something is done. They are usually placed at the end of a sentence or before the main verb, as in: Tom drives quickly.She slowly opened the door.Mary waited for him patiently. Other examples of adverbs of manner include quietly, fitfully, and carefully. Adverbs of Time Adverbs of time tell you when or at what time something is done. Adverbs of time are usually placed at the end of a sentence. They can also be used at the beginning of a sentence followed by a comma. The meeting is next week. Yesterday, we decided to take a walk.Ive already bought my tickets for the concert. These adverbs are used with other time expressions, such as days of the week. The most common adverbs of time include yet, already, yesterday, tomorrow, next week (or month or year), last week (or month or year), now, and ago. Adverbs of Place Adverbs of place indicate where something is done and usually appear at the end of a sentence, but they can also follow the verb. I decided to rest over there.Shell wait for you in the room downstairs.Peter walked above me upstairs. Adverbs of place can be confused with prepositional phrases such as in the doorway or at the shop. Prepositional phrases indicate where something is, but adverbs of place can tell you where something occurs, such as here and everywhere. Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of frequency tell you how often something is repeatedly done. They include usually, sometimes, never, often, and rarely. Adverbs of frequency are often placed directly before the main verb: She rarely goes to parties.I often read a newspaper.He usually gets up at 6 oclock. Adverbs of frequency that express infrequency are not used in the negative or question form. Sometimes, adverbs of frequency are placed at the beginning of a sentence: Sometimes, I enjoy staying at home instead of going on vacation.Often, Peter will telephone his mother before he leaves for work. Adverbs of frequency follow the verb to be: He is sometimes late for work.I am often confused by computers. Adverbs Modifying Adjectives When adverbs modify an adjective, they are placed before the adjective: She is extremely happy.They are absolutely sure. However, do not use very with adjectives to express increased quality of a basic adjective, such as fantastic: She is an absolutely fantastic piano player.Mark is an absolutely amazing lecturer. You would not say, She is very fantastic, or Mark is a very amazing lecturer. Forming Adverbs From Adjectives Adverbs are often formed by adding -ly to an adjective, such as: Beautiful beautifullyCareful carefully However, some adjectives dont change in the adverb form, such as fast and hard. Many common adverbs like just, still, and almost do not end in -ly. Good is probably the most important example. The adverb form of good is well, as in: He is good at tennis.He plays tennis well. In the first sentence, good is an adjective that modifies the pronoun he; while in the second, well is an adverb that modifies plays (explains how he plays tennis). Additionally, not all words that end in -ly are adverbs, such as friendly and neighborly, which are both adjectives. Distinguishing Between Adverbs and Adjectives Sometimes the same word can be both an adjective and an adverb. To distinguish between them, it is important to look at the context of the word and its function in a sentence. For instance, in the sentence, The fast train from London to Cardiff leaves at 3 oclock, the word fast modifies and comes before a noun, train, and is, therefore, an attributive adjective. However, in the sentence, The sprinter took the bend fast, the word fast modifies the verb took and is, therefore, an adverb. Interestingly, -ly is not the only suffix that can be added to the end of a word to change its meaning or be used by both adjectives and adverbs. Additionally, -er and -est can combine with adverbs in a much more limited way wherein the comparative form of an adverb is likely to add more or most to the beginning of the adverb phrase rather than adding an -er or -est. Its important to refer to context clues when hints like the addition of an -ly or the word most to accompany a word doesnt tell you whether it is an adjective or adverb. Look to the word that is being emphasized. If the word being emphasized is a noun, you have an adjective; if the word being emphasized is a verb, you have an adverb.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How far do you agree that the main reason that Henry VIII...
How far do you agree that the main reason that Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries in England between 1536 and 1539 was that they were corrupt? At the beginning of Henry VIII’s reign in 1509, there were over 800 monasteries in England, but by 1540 the majority of these ceased to exist and all that was left of most of them was a ruin. The monasteries were rich and powerful institutions which were loyal to the Pope. From 1536 to 1539, Henry VIII, and his advisor, Thomas Cromwell wanted to close down the monasteries. There were two real reasons why Henry VIII wanted to get rid of the monasteries, firstly because he wanted access to the wealth of the monastery and he wanted the treasures of the land owned by the Church. Secondly Henry VIII†¦show more content†¦Many monasteries still believed in Catholic ways and Henry didn’t want that, he wanted the Church to be Protestant. Source B tells us that even some Protestant people were convinced the monasteries still had Catholic ways, it says, â€Å"To convinced Protestants, the monasteries were a clear reminder of the survival of catholic ideals. One of their main functions was to pray for the souls of the dead- an act that was thought unnecessary by Protestants†This suggests that Protestants thought they were praying unnecessarily. Henry VIII also wanted to change the religion in the monasteries because some of the monks and nuns were behaving so badly it was embarrassing to henry VII. This is backed up by the evidence of Source G, an extract from the Act of the Dissolution of the Lesser [smaller] Monasteries, where it reports â€Å"Manifest sin, vicious, carnel and abominable living is daily used ad committed among the little and small abbeys, priories and other religious hoses of monks, canons and nuns, and causes great (embarrassment) to the King’s highness and the realm.†I do not believe the only reason that Henry VIII wanted to dissolve the monasteries in England between 1536 and 1539 was because they were corrupt. I think Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries because of his financial and religious motives, he needed more money so he used the wealth of the monasteries and he wanted everyone in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Time Management Within The Military - 2003 Words
Time management plays a vital role in each and every unit with the United States Army and it affects how quickly they can respond to problems when they arise. Time management encompasses just about everything in the Army. From Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCO) making sure their soldiers are in the right place at the right time by tracking all their soldiers appointments and duties or the squad leaders and other Non-Commissioned Officers making sure that maintenance is being completed on time so the aircraft are ready to fly, and making sure that soldiers are ready for their flights for the day all the way down to the lower enlisted soldier making sure he or she is on time and ready to complete their day. These are the just a few of the things that time management encompasses within the military. So what is time management? Time management is a skill that needs to learned or if need be taught to every soldier within the ranks. Imagine a unit that has no time management skills. S oldiers are late for flights, they miss appointments and in turn receive article fifteens, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers are being scolded by their First Sergeants for not being able to properly track their soldiers which in turn falls downhill to the squad leaders. Maintenance isn’t completed and a majority of the fleet is down leaving only a few aircraft in an airworthy status, as the operational readiness level continues to drop, soldiers fail to complete training requirements and areShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Organizational Management During The United States Military1545 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of Organizational Management in the United States Military Throughout history, the theory of what constitutes effective management practice has evolved with the changes and advances in technology and society. However, there are basic principles of each theory that have either influenced contemporary theory or are overtly used in today’s organizations. 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Tourism Marketing and Tour Operator Free Essays
In the tourism industry, travel agents, tour operators etc. are considered the intermediaries (distributors). Their main task is to bring buyers and sellers in the field together and reduce transaction and supply/ownership costs between buyer and seller, instead of completely eliminating an intermediary (such as a distributor). We will write a custom essay sample on Tourism: Marketing and Tour Operator or any similar topic only for you Order Now Benefits of Tourism Intermediaries? For the producer: * they are able to sell in bulk (for example: hotels) and might be able to transfer a certain risk to the * tour operator depending on the contracts made * reduce promotion costs For the Consumer: * avoids search and transaction costs (by purchasing inclusive tour) * gain from specialist knowledge of tour operator * often gain most from lower prices Disadvantages of Tourism Intermediaries? The use of intermediaries by producers, such as hotels, will result in the loss of margins and in the loss of influence in the distribution process. ?For the consumer choice may be reduced and prices increase, especially with the further concentration and consolidation of tourism intermediaries. 1. 2 Integration, consolidation and concentration The term integration is an economic concept to describe formal linking arrangements between one organisation and another. (Cooper – Fletcher 2005) Horizontal integration? This occurs when two tour operator or two travel agents amalgamate, either through merger or takeover. The main reason is to ensure the extended geographical spread of outlets to ensure representation in al regions ? Vertical integration? A certain linking occurs along the production process. For example airlines establish their own tour operating company (British Airways. But the most common form of vertical integration within tourism intermediaries is when a wholesaler/ tour operator purchase or merge with a travel agency chain. ?One good example of wide range of integrated activities is the French conglomerate Groupe Accor: 3. 4 Integration strategies as means of expansion strategies Tour wholesaler or tour operator can strengthen their market position by integration. Integration takes place whencompanies merge or one company buys another. As it was outlined in Chapter 1 already, there are two main forms of integration: 1. Vertical integration It takes place when two companies of different levels on the distribution chain merge. Examples could be, when a supplier merges with a wholesaler/tour operator or a tour wholesaler merges with a retail agent.? We speak of backward vertical integration, when a wholesaler merges with or buys an airline or with a hotel. With this move a greater control over the source of supply is desired. ?We speak of forward vertical integration, when a tour wholesaler merges or buys a travel agency. In this case greater control over the distribution network is wanted.? Lubbe 2000) 2. Horizontal integration It means that tour wholesalers/ tour operator merges on the same level of distribution. For example a tour wholesaler buys another tour wholesaler to improve their market share and reduce competition. In general, horizontal integration always leads to economics of scale, in functions such as human resources, purchasing, and thus to cost savings and price reductions. Through co st savings an organisation may become more cost effective, allowing them to develop a better range of products and to achieve better quality control.? (Lubbe 2000) How to cite Tourism: Marketing and Tour Operator, Papers
Down Syndrome Report Essay Example For Students
Down Syndrome Report Essay Down Syndrome Report Essay by: SCHOOL SUX The chromosomal abnormality involved in most cases of Down syndrome is trisomy-21, or the presence of three copies of the 21st chromosome. As a result, the affected person has 47 chromosomes in all body cells instead of the normal 46, although how this causes the conditions symptoms is not yet known. Scientists assume that the reason for the abnormal chromosomal assortment is the fertilization of an ovum having 24 chromosomes by a sperm with a normal assortment of 23, but they have also found that the sperm can carry the extra chromosome as well. The abnormal ovum or sperm is derived from a germ cell in which the pair of 21st chromosomes holds together and passes into the same sperm or ovum instead of separating. In the type of Down syndrome called translocation, the extra chromosome 21 material is attached to one of the other chromosomes; when some, but not all, of the bodys cells carry an extra chromosome 21, the condition is a type of Down syndrome called mosaicism. We will write a custom essay on Down Syndrome Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Because of the extra chromosome 21, children with Down syndrome often have some characteristic physical features, such as a small head, a flat face, slightly upward slanted eyelids, skin folds at the inner corners of the eyes, small nose and mouth, and small hands and feet. Most of these characteristic do not interfere with the childs functioning, a doctor primarily uses the characteristics for diagnostic purposes. These physical features are variable, and children with Down syndrome are usually more like other children than they are different. Individuals with Down syndrome also often have certain medical conditions such as weak muscles, neurological impairments, heart disease, intestinal abnormalities, poorly functioning thyroid gland, eye abnormalities, hearing problems, and skeletal problems. Almost all children with Down syndrome are mentally retarded, in the mild to moderate range. The degree of mental retardation varies considerably. Through medical treatment the disorders and infections accompanying Down syndrome have no effect on an almost normal life span. The overall incidence of Down syndrome is approximately one in 700 births, but the risk varies with the age of the mother. The incidence of Down syndrome in children born to 25-year-old mothers is approximately 1 in 1200; the risk increases to approximately 1 in 350 for 35-year-olds and approximately 1 in 120 for women older than 40 years. Prenatal tests can be used to detect chromosome abnormality causing Down syndrome. SOURCES 1) Down Syndrome, Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 96 Encyclopedia. (c) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. (c) Funk Wagnalls Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Down Syndrome, Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming. Science . Down Syndrome Report Essay Example For Students Down Syndrome Report Essay by: SCHOOL SUX The chromosomal abnormality involved in most cases of Down syndrome is trisomy-21, or the presence of three copies of the 21st chromosome. As a result, the affected person has 47 chromosomes in all body cells instead of the normal 46, although how this causes the conditions symptoms is not yet known. Scientists assume that the reason for the abnormal chromosomal assortment is the fertilization of an ovum having 24 chromosomes by a sperm with a normal assortment of 23, but they have also found that the sperm can carry the extra chromosome as well. The abnormal ovum or sperm is derived from a germ cell in which the pair of 21st chromosomes holds together and passes into the same sperm or ovum instead of separating. In the type of Down syndrome called translocation, the extra chromosome 21 material is attached to one of the other chromosomes; when some, but not all, of the bodys cells carry an extra chromosome 21, the condition is a type of Down syndrome called mosaicism. We will write a custom essay on Down Syndrome Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Because of the extra chromosome 21, children with Down syndrome often have some characteristic physical features, such as a small head, a flat face, slightly upward slanted eyelids, skin folds at the inner corners of the eyes, small nose and mouth, and small hands and feet. Most of these characteristic do not interfere with the childs functioning, a doctor primarily uses the characteristics for diagnostic purposes. These physical features are variable, and children with Down syndrome are usually more like other children than they are different. Individuals with Down syndrome also often have certain medical conditions such as weak muscles, neurological impairments, heart disease, intestinal abnormalities, poorly functioning thyroid gland, eye abnormalities, hearing problems, and skeletal problems. Almost all children with Down syndrome are mentally retarded, in the mild to moderate range. The degree of mental retardation varies considerably. Through medical treatment the disorders and infections accompanying Down syndrome have no effect on an almost normal life span. The overall incidence of Down syndrome is approximately one in 700 births, but the risk varies with the age of the mother. The incidence of Down syndrome in children born to 25-year-old mothers is approximately 1 in 1200; the risk increases to approximately 1 in 350 for 35-year-olds and approximately 1 in 120 for women older than 40 years. Prenatal tests can be used to detect chromosome abnormality causing Down syndrome. SOURCES 1) Down Syndrome, Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 96 Encyclopedia. (c) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. (c) Funk Wagnalls Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Down Syndrome, Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming. Category: Science . Down Syndrome Report Essay Example For Students Down Syndrome Report Essay Down Syndrome Report Essay by: SCHOOL SUX The chromosomal abnormality involved in most cases of Down syndrome is trisomy-21, or the presence of three copies of the 21st chromosome. As a result, the affected person has 47 chromosomes in all body cells instead of the normal 46, although how this causes the conditions symptoms is not yet known. Scientists assume that the reason for the abnormal chromosomal assortment is the fertilization of an ovum having 24 chromosomes by a sperm with a normal assortment of 23, but they have also found that the sperm can carry the extra chromosome as well. The abnormal ovum or sperm is derived from a germ cell in which the pair of 21st chromosomes holds together and passes into the same sperm or ovum instead of separating. In the type of Down syndrome called translocation, the extra chromosome 21 material is attached to one of the other chromosomes; when some, but not all, of the bodys cells carry an extra chromosome 21, the condition is a type of Down syndrome called mosaicism. We will write a custom essay on Down Syndrome Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Because of the extra chromosome 21, children with Down syndrome often have some characteristic physical features, such as a small head, a flat face, slightly upward slanted eyelids, skin folds at the inner corners of the eyes, small nose and mouth, and small hands and feet. Most of these characteristic do not interfere with the childs functioning, a doctor primarily uses the characteristics for diagnostic purposes. These physical features are variable, and children with Down syndrome are usually more like other children than they are different. Individuals with Down syndrome also often have certain medical conditions such as weak muscles, neurological impairments, heart disease, intestinal abnormalities, poorly functioning thyroid gland, eye abnormalities, hearing problems, and skeletal problems. Almost all children with Down syndrome are mentally retarded, in the mild to moderate range. The degree of mental retardation varies considerably. Through medical treatment the disorders and infections accompanying Down syndrome have no effect on an almost normal life span. The overall incidence of Down syndrome is approximately one in 700 births, but the risk varies with the age of the mother. The incidence of Down syndrome in children born to 25-year-old mothers is approximately 1 in 1200; the risk increases to approximately 1 in 350 for 35-year-olds and approximately 1 in 120 for women older than 40 years. Prenatal tests can be used to detect chromosome abnormality causing Down syndrome. SOURCES 1) Down Syndrome, Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 96 Encyclopedia. (c) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. (c) Funk Wagnalls Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Down Syndrome, Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming. .
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Social Justice Essay Example For Students
Social Justice Essay Question1. A brief description of the main characters in the film. Henri Young Henri was transferred to Alcatraz to fill the prison. Henri was as normal as any of the other inmates in Alcatraz, but after being put in solitary confinement for three years after trying to escape Henry was changed. Henry was a product of his environment during his time spent in the hole Henri lost trust in other humans and sense of time proven when he couldnt even remember how old he was. By the time Henri was released from the dungeons hed been sent insane. Henri then killed another inmate in the dinning hall with a spoon. Henri didnt know what he was doing and was mentally unstable after his treatment in the hole. Henri opened himself up to one person who was his lawyer James Stamphill. Henry never saw James as his lawyer but as the friend he wanted and needed. Henri evolved from a savage wild man who would kill somebody to a more civilised person with his interaction with James. In the end Henris character found harmony within himself after winning the court case who he placed with himself versus Milton Glenn the Associate Warden of Alcatraz. When he won it was his Victory. James Stamphill James character is constant that of a Lawyer fresh out of Law school. Jamess character also narrates the movie, where he says that he is only joining law school when Henry Young was put in Solitary. When Henry is released from solitary James had finished his Bar exam, James first case would be Henrys. James develops a better understanding of the importance of a relationship with a client to defend them. When James first met Henry all Henry wanted to know about was baseball, so James learnt about baseball and would tell Henri the scores of games where this interaction would get Henri talking to James where James could ask questions during conversations to get the information he needed for the trial. Milton Glenn Milton Glenns character is that of Associate Warden of Alcatraz. Milton Glenn uses Henri Young as an example to the prisoners of Alcatraz after Henri tried to escape. It shows Glenn as psychotic, sadistic and feared by the prisoners. Glenn is quite manipulative this is shown with one of Miltons talks with John Humson the Warden of Alcatraz where he told John that Henry needed severe punishment leading the Warden on to believe that Henry was one who had masterminded an escape attempt and needed to be kept in solitary for an extended period. John Humson Humson is the Warden of Alcatraz. Humson is never at Alcatraz and has been left in the dark about Henry Youngs treatment, all he knows is what Milton Glenn wants him to know Glenn portrayed Henry as a special case and that he needed to be kept in solitary so Humson kept him in solitary. Humsons character is in touch with the media and is well respected. John is made to look like a fool when James puts him on the stand revealing that Humson knew nothing of what happens in Alcatraz. Question 2 Relationships between: Henri and James Henri and James lives where quite parallel in their early years as teenagers they both stole similar amounts of money only that James received a warning for his crime where Henri was sent to jail. When Henri and James first met James was looking at how he could prove Henry innocent, while Henri was looking for something to do before he died. Henry decided he wanted a friend instead of a lawyer and insisted on not talking about the trial. Henry enjoyed baseball where James did not have a clue James learnt the rules and players so he could get Henry talking where then James would tactfully ask questions about the trial to get his information, until Henry felt comfortable talking with James that he would talk about anything. .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 , .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .postImageUrl , .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 , .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104:hover , .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104:visited , .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104:active { border:0!important; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104:active , .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104 .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3443040e9d124000e6b69d938cc86104:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Trolley Problem Sample EssayJames and Byron James and Byron are brothers and are not getting along well. During a conversation between the two Byron is trying get James to stop defending Henry and have Henry found guilty. James gets a clue to put Humson .
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