Monday, December 24, 2018
'Twiga Cement\r'
'TWIGA cementumum Twiga cement is a caller-up of Tanzania that manufactures Portland cement. The club’s objective is manufacturing, selling and dispersal of high quality construction cement in Tanzania. Today the telephoner stay the grocery leader in the cement industry in Tanzania. Twiga cement is produced in grades of Twiga Ordinary and Twiga Extra. The caller’s trade surroundings consists of forces outside selling that touch selling management’s big worryman to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers.Twiga cement’s marketing environment is made up of micro environment and macro environment. The micro environment consists of otherwise actors close to the troupe that combine to gain the familiarity’s measure out speech communication network. The forces admit internal environment, marketing intermediaries, competition, suppliers, publics and the customers. The go with’s internal environm ent consists of some(prenominal) departments and management levels as it influences marketing decisiveness making.The marketing intermediaries which help the confederacy to promote, sell, and treat products to final buyers too affect the marketing decision making. They include resellers, physical diffusion firms, marketing service agencies and financial intermediaries. wholly these work together in aver to create customer value for the products produced. The phoner also faces stiff competition from competitors. The competitors ply to produce similar goods at a low cost making the company to take decisions in order to honor customers. Some of the competitors include Mbeya cement and Tanga cement companies.The company’s suppliers also breeze a big part in the marketing environment. The company’s marketing managers usually watch supply accessibility and costs which helps them in decision making. The resources essential for manufacturing are usually available and obtained at a low cost which increases the gross sales in the short run and creates customer satisfaction in the long run. The company’s marketing environment also includes diverse publics which have an actual or potential interest in or impact on the company’s ability to achieve it’s objectives.The various publics include financial publics, media publics, government publics, local anesthetic publics, general publics, and many others. For example the financial publics enable the company to obtain currency in order to run the occupation process as a terminus creating customer satisfaction. The company’s marketing environment also includes the customers. Customers are the most important actors in the company’s marketing environment. The aim of the entire value delivery system of the company is to see target customers and create strong relationships with them.The company targets different types of customer markets which include consumer mar kets that is individuals and households, business markets that is buy goods for further processing, reseller markets that is buy the cement to resell at a profit, others include government markets and international markets. The company’s macro environment consists of larger societal forces that affect the entire micro environment. The company’s macro environment consists of; demographic environment which is the study of human macrocosm in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, occupation, and other statistics.The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers of the company because it involves people and it’s the people that seduce up the market. There has been an increase on the sales due to rapid creation growth and an increase on the market share for the goods produced by the company. The economic environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and using up patterns. The economic environment offers both opportuniti es and threats for the company enabling it to take decisions accordingly.Natural environment involves the ingrained resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities. The company faces several trends in the natural environment which include dearth of raw materials, increase pollution and increased government intervention. The other factors that affect the marketing environment include the technological environment, semipolitical and social environment, and cultural environment. ????\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'The Rise of the Modern American Presidency\r'
'To begin, an narrative that more atomic number 18 sure to hark back and relate to is presented: as the united States build itself in a state of war, the likes of which it had never seen before, the chairwoman found himself at a articulation of policy, causation and the consequences of his actions, for whatever course he took, there would be semi goernmental f each(prenominal) issue. each in all of his advisors had aboutthing to offer, and of course, his critics and policy-making enemies all stood ready to line up his d sustainfall should he falter in his resolve or fail in his judgment.Ultimately, com/unit-3-our-government- nowadays-the-legislative-and-executive-branches/>the hot seat took full advantage of his male monarchs- given and implied- and set forth with his course of action, lament qualified off a firestorm of disputes over the take aim of advocate he actually possesses, how often input much(prenominal) governmental bodies as the US sexual congr ess has in multiplication of death chairial posturing, and the like. The scenario presented sounds as if it could eat been disunite from the incumbent headlines, as president George W.Bush is engulfed in controversy and opposition for his process of index number in the midst of the red-brick war on terrorism, tho a nimble glance backward into the annals of in constituent shows that this same scenario, albeit with some differences in thoughtfulness here and there, could take to Abraham Lincoln during the well-bred War, Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, and certainly could apply to whatever number of early(a) presidents.The allude to be made is that the increase and exercise of presidential motive is one of the well-nigh critical routines and masterminds of contention in American politics. Even in light of old (and present) poor decision making on the part of American death chairs, and the scandals that produce rocked the government to its core in the past, every distinction is that presidential indicant will solely continue to grow as the twenty-first century unfolds and the complexity of the American political system grows (Shafritz, Weinberg).In this research, the different conceptions of the proper design of the death chair in the American political system will be presented and discussed, with an last-ditch goal of tracing the rise of the modern government activity, when/why the President became so reigning, why this power has operated, and whether or not the detective favors and alternative, as well as the advantages/disadvantages of such hefty leadership. The Rise of the Modern American Presidency As this paper began, an tale was presented that in fact applies to every whiles of presidential leadership in America.The earth of such power begs the first enquire of when this power first began to emerge. By design, the organisation of the United States was constitutionally intended to be of course an executive leadership eccentric that was ultimately independent of the Congress that was besides originated by the same temperamental mandates (Lowi, et al). Therefore, from the jump of the US itself, the President was placed in the position whereby he would have call forth the powers of the government activity if he were to be able to gain/sustain any test of assertive power during his years as chief executive.Throughout American history, there have been examples of passive and aggressive, weak and good presidents, all because of their ability-or lack of ability- to successfully establish a power base within their tribunal. This power base can be pull together through a variety of means, such as the assembly of a virile cabinet of advisors who in themselves possess the endurance and connections to found their boss a more(prenominal) formidable chief executive, through belongings the favor of Congress, such as when Congress is controlled by the political company of the presiden t in question, or through his own cunning, skills or outright deception.Whatever the case whitethorn be the net effect over the past two centuries plus has been that the presidency has risen to a pinnacle of alter degrees of power, depending upon the person holding the authority. When/Why the American President Gained Such force play The power that the President has the option of exercising or relaxing, according to most stemmas, has its modern root in a specific administration and period of American history.The President was FD Roosevelt, and the time was immediately upon his assumption of office in 1932, through World War II, and up to the time of Roosevelt’s death in office in 1945 (Shafritz, Weinberg). In fact, the causality that Roosevelt set with his administration seemed, in retrospect, to have taken the presidency to a bargon-assed level of modern power. There be a few assertable reasons for this. hotshot reason that is frequently cited by numerous historian s is the dawn of the development of the nuclear weapon- often called the dawn of the Atomic Age.With the existence of technology that could literally drop off the planet in a matter of moments put forth an interesting dynamic for the political embellish of America- first, although it was a highly guarded mystery story at the time, prior to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945, the corridors of American presidential power doubtlessly came to the realization that they not scarce had an frightening responsibility to wield nuclear weapons in a careful manner, but alike that there were likely other powerful nations, such as the USSR, who also held in their possession nuclear weapons that could likewise destroy the planet as we know it.Therefore, the American President became not alone in a sense the judge, jury and executioner for the nation and the rest of the world, but also a sort of protector for all of the pink of my Johnful people of the world. From that p oint forward, foreign relations, technology and the deterioration of the state of peace in the world has galvanized the power of the American President.Why the Power Endures The endurance of the power of the President of the United States, it now appears, is essential to endure because of the dangers that lurk in the nations of the world, making it unavoidable for the American President to be a sort of watchdog for the entire planet. Additionally, there are other, more transparent but nonetheless significant reasons why presidential power endures.Whether anyone would care to admit it or not, the President of the United States is in many cases kept as a powerful individual due to the fact that the major(ip) political parties of America use the presidency as a central source of influence and clout for their party when a President from their particular party holds the office; therefore, it is of mutual benefit for the President and his party to work to support each other, and a key i ngredient that is needed to ground the coalition work is the gathering and holding of power.Elected officials likewise will help to make the President more powerful in exchange for his support in their political activities and aspirations. Literally, it must also be hold that the President of the United States is explicitly given certain powers by the US Constitution (Lowi, et al). Some of these-what are known as expressed powers- are somewhat automatic pistol for the President. Others- known as delegated powers-many times study the consultation of Congress and others in say to be exercised.This being said, however, one only needs to look at today’s headlines to find countless examples where the current President has overstepped the boundaries of what is traditionally permitted on the President’s own initiative. Many championship that this is literally illegal-others are scarce outraged- some take both stances. Therefore, what we see is that the President of t he United States has acquired some powers, has some powers that are constitutionally built-in, and has other powers that have simply been grabbed without permission.Pros/Cons of Presidential Power Presidential power has its advantages and disadvantages- in many cases, the difference amidst the two lies in political standstill and/or personal opinion. On the confirmative side, few would argue that a President with the ability to defend the nation successfully from enemies, keep the economy going strong, and tolerate for the welfare of the people through the skill of power would be an unfavorable scenario.On the other hand, the â€Å"cons†of presidential power include possible abuses of that power, unfavorable consequences of the wielding of that power, etc. In any case, there will never be a perfect balance of presidential power, but perhaps there are ways to keep the power in check while still belongings the President as a strong leader for the good of the people. Rese archer’s ViewsThe result of this research, in the mind of the detective, has been to move into to the realization that absolute presidential power is not a favorable lieu, nor is the situation of a weak President who has to look permission and motivation to accomplish anything. Therefore, the researcher herein puts forth an opinion that the issue of the appropriate level of presidential power cannot be answered with a political debate, election or document.It can, however, be balanced with carriage of politically active citizens who speak out when the president oversteps his boundaries of authority, works to improve the nation, and perpetually holds the President to a high stock(a) of accountability and responsible use of power. Then, and only then, can presidential power be correctly held and utilized. Conclusion The President of the United States, even centuries after the foundation of America, remains an enigmatic contradiction- he needs to be powerful, yet that p ower needs to be regulated and monitored.Therefore, in closing, let this point be understood- blind faith in any leaders will necessarily create chaos. As such, every American has the responsibility to express their opinions, be heard, and weigh to keep the presidency what it was intended to be- the voice of the people. Works Cited Lowi, Ginsberg, Shepsle (2005). American Government: Power and Purpose. 9th ed. New York: WW Norton and Company. Shafritz, Weinberg (2005). Classics in American Literature. third ed. Pittsburgh, PA: Wadsworth.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Business Research Methods Essay\r'
'1. Distinguish among the interest habilitates of items, and suggest the signifi bottomce of to each iodin in a look into context: a. nonion and constrain †A concept is a by and large accepted collection of meanings or characteristics that argon cover whereas a ramp up is im come on or idea invented for a cross possible action or look for job; a construct is an soak concept. To successfully per induce a query, we mustiness form common ground; hence, the emergency for concepts and constructs. b. induction and institution †a tax write-off is a conclusive inference fleck an induction is a conclusion from peerless or more pieces of evidence. c. Ope rational rendering and dictionary explanation †an usable rendering is a description based on measurement criteria that sop up empirical credit piece a dictionary definition is based on synonyms.\r\nd. Concept and versatile †a concept is a gener eithery accepted collection of meanings or char acteristics associated with genuine events while a variable is determine or set of values related to a straightlacedty macrocosm studied. e. assumption and mesmerism †A dead reckoning is a is a declarative narration that states a belief while a proposition is a statement about concepts that whitethorn be regarded as true or false. f. Theory and model †a possibleness is a set of systematically inter-related concepts, definitions and propositions that argon advanced to explain and herald phenomena while a model is a histrionics of a system that is constructed to remove well-nigh aspect of the system. g. Scientific rule and scientific attitude †The scientific method deals with freethinking and empiricism: formal structured proofs and observable, concrete data; the scientific attitude deals with remnant 2. Describe the characteristics of the scientific method\r\na. guide on observation of phenomena\r\nb. Clearly fastend variables, methods and procedures \r\nc. by trial and error testable hypotheses\r\nd. The ability to rule rival hypotheses\r\ne. statistical justification\r\nf. Self-correcting process\r\n3. What argon the differences among the research approaches (and thinking styles) that guide the predominant kinds of studies do in operations research, marketing, finance and/or organizational demeanor? †There are six different styles of thinking: axiomatical †rational and idealistic, Self-evident truth †sanely rational and idealistic, Method of authority †pretty rational and idealistic, Literary †informal and interpretative, untested opinion †Very informal and passably idealistic and finally, there is the scientific method which is empirical and rational. 4. Here are umpteen terms commonly found in a way setting. Are they concepts or constructs? Give two different operational definitions for each. a. First- moving in supervisor †concept; somebody instantly in charge of line transfe r a shiters; soul reporting to unit manager b. Employee team spirit †construct; that which is measured by how an employee whole steps toward the origin; that which is measured by how often an employee reports for work on clipping c. Assembly line †concept; theatre of operations where the items are assembled; area where line workers spend most of their twenty-four hour period\r\nd. Overdue grade †concept; account balance that is past 30 years; an account where the standard owed is past 60 and less than 25% has been paid toward the balance. e. banknote management †concept; person to whom all line supervisors report; head of each functional area f. Leadership †construct; quality defined by how m some(prenominal) persons emulate this person; quality defined by a rating by asking persons how healthy a draw is the subject under study g. Price-earnings ratio †concept; the measure of how much an superjacent makes in reference to an average in the kindred job position; the amount someone makes in reference to others in similar jobs, having similar education and go steady and within similar industries, in the same region. h. Union democracy- construct; the measure of how multitude interpret they be bemuse a say in the pairing; the measure of how the union heads arrest proceeded to do what the majority of the members asked. i. honourable standards †construct; the value that an employee places on a variable; the untested opinion of how employees feel about the ethics within a company on a overcome of 1-10.\r\n5. In your company’s management development program, there was a heated up discussion between some commonwealth who claimed: â€Å"Theory is impractical and thus no goodâ€Â, and others who claimed: â€Å"Good theory is the most practical approach to problemsâ€Â. What position would you take and wherefore? †I would take un screw side. Both statements have their value and can be argued a t length. In have got of the first statement: this falls into one of two categories: untested opinion or self-evident truth. Some say that theory is the opposite of event and does not form a practical approach to problems, for solutions withdraw facts. In support of the second statement: theory forms a systematic set of concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict phenomena. Therefore, theory can be utilize as a good scratch line point for factual explanations. In my opinion, good theory and fact-based rationale are incumbent; a good balance of both is required.\r\n6. An automobile manufacturer observes the demand for its check (DV) increasing per capita income incr loosenings (IV). Sales growths also go along low interest estimates (MV), which ease credit conditions. Buyer purchase behaviour is seen to be dependent on age (IVV) and gender (IVV). Other factors influencing sales come forward to fluctuate almost randomly (competitor adve rtizement (EV), competitor dealer discounts (EV), introductions of new private-enterprise(a) models (EV)). a. If sales and per capita income are positively related, branch all variables as dependent, independent, moderating, extraneous or intervening. b. Comment on the utility of a model based on the hypothesis †DV depends directly on IV. MV is a secondary independent variable affecting the DV. The EVs are used to depute variables that proceed randomly or those that can be safely ignored. The IVVs are used to show variables that theoretically affect the DV, but have not actually been empirically in the study.\r\n7. You observer the following condition: â€Å"Our egg-producing(prenominal) sales representative have inflict node defections than do our male sales representativesâ€Â. a. Propose the concepts and constructs you may use to study this phenomena †concepts and constructs: male definition; female definition; customer; customer defections (construct) b. H ow might any of these concepts/constructs be related to explanatory hypotheses? †the explanatory, or casual hypothesis, of female reps having lower customer defections than male reps can be tested by using research questions, construct from concepts, constructs and definitions 8. You are the office manager of a large firm. Your company prides itself on its heights quality customer service. Lately complaints have surfaced that an increased number of calls are being misrouted and dropped. Yesterday, when passing by the main reception area, you noticed the receptionist fiddling with his hearing aid.\r\nIn the process, a call came in and would have gone unanswered if not for your intervention. The particular receptionist had earned a poor round for the last 3 months. Your inclination is to press this 20-year employee to retire or to fire him. You accredit the individual is well liked and is seen as a fixture in the company. a. get under ones skin several hypotheses that mig ht account for dropped or misrouted calls. †the employee is too old to handle the file; employee cannot afford a proper hearing aid, the neediness of which causes problems in directing calls properly, or answering calls in a seasonable manner; there is a problem with the phone routing system; there is a problem with the main phone at the call desk. b. Using the double political campaign of reflective thought, show how you would test these hypotheses †fact: calls are being misrouted; induction: why are calls not reaching their proper destination; hypothesis: any of the higher up; logical implication: calls bequeath be misrouted if the hooker’s hearing aid is mal-functioning.\r\n9. The make up of Transport Engineers, a nationwide lot association with thousands of members, was dissatisfied with the way that claim Farm arrived at its vulnerable hybridization list. a. If the ITE were to conduct a study of its own, what constructs and concepts would they define differently? †concepts and constructs defined differently: dangerous intersection point; crash claim b. What hypotheses would ITE rise to guide its version of the dangerous intersection study? †dangerous intersections have already been identified by engineers; dangerous intersections lack certain security features; dangerous intersections have a high volume of accidents 10. nominate and classify all the variables in the military’s â€Å"dud- pillory†research †a. Dud shell (DV)\r\nb. Shell that pads (IV) c. Persons coming into contact (EV)\r\n11. What was Myra’s hypothesis for the host’s dud-shell research? What was the army’s hypothesis? †She believed that the dud-shell was falsely defined; she hypothesized that the dud-shells defined by the army were not all dud-shells, but were comprised of both dud-shells and shells that have a delayed exploding time; Myra’s hypothesis was: Civilians were coming in contact with potentially dangerous shells that could explode when manipulated. The army’s hypothesis was: shells that did not explode on impact were inert. 12. graphical record your inductions and deductions in the following statements. If there are gaps, supply what is needed to make them complete arguments. a. Repeated studies indicate that stinting conditions sidetrack with †and lag 6 to 12 months shtup †changes in the national money supply.\r\nTherefore, we may conclude that money is the basic economic variable. †induction: what causes economic conditions to vary; deduction: available money causes an alteration in economic conditions. b. Research studies show that dumb smokers have a higher rate of lung cancer than no smokers; therefore, heavy gage causes lung cancer. †induction: does smoking increase the take chances of lung cancer? Deduction: smoking does increase the risk of lung cancer. c. Show me a person who goes to church regularly and I will show you a reliable worker. †induction: what makes a reliable worker? Deduction: a regular church help makes a reliable worker.\r\n'
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